Right-sided weakness and dysarthria for a few days.
Patient Data

Extensive T1 low-intensity area with corresponding high T2 and T2 FLAIR signal intensities is seen in the distribution of the left PCA territory. Grey/matter differentiation is lost in the involved region including the left MCA/PCA cortical border zone.
Affected area shows significant gyriform enhancement.
Few acute and chronic lacunar infarcts are seen in right hemi-cerebrum.
Case Discussion
The MRI findings most favor subacute cerebral infarction, as detailed above.
Unfortunately, diffusion weighted imaging is not available as this patient was scanned on a 0.3 T open MRI, which is incapable of high amplitude, rapid switching and the degree of field homogeneity required for DWI.
Case co-author: Dr. Anawar-ul-Haq Zadran.