Severe dysmenorrhea with prolonged menstrual cycles.
Patient Data
Well defined heterogeneous mass lesion replacing the anterior, mid and lower uterine body. This mass (red star) displaces the endometrium (white arrow) posteriorly.
Well defined intrauterine fibroid that appears T1 hypointense with T2 intermediate signal intensity. It is submucosal in location occupying the anterior, mid and lower uterine body. Broad interface with the endometrium, indenting and distorting the endometrial cavity. Intralesional cystic degenerative changes noted.
Special thanks: Dr. H K Anand
Case Discussion
MRI is the optimal imaging modality for fibroids. Radiologists must try to differentiate submucosal fibroids from endometrial polyps:
- submucosal fibroids can displace or indent the endometrium
- endometrial polyps arise within the endometrium and can cause distention of the endometrial cavity