Incidental finding on chest x-ray.
Patient Data

Superior mediastinal radiopacity causing the deviation of trachea to the right.
Oval mass occupying anterior mediastinum.

Enlarged thyroid gland which extends to the suprasternal notch.
Anterior mediastinal mass of 60 x 30 x 50 mm hyperdense, polylobulated, heterogeneous with calcifications and areas of cystic degeneration.
No mediastinal adenopathies are visualised.

Thyroid scintigraphy:
Large thyroid, demonstrates heterogeneous uptake, findings suggestive of goitre.
The mediastinal mass presents diffuse and heterogeneous radiotracer uptake. These findings suggest ectopic thyroid tissue.
Case Discussion
The ectopic thyroid usually sits at the base of the tongue in most patients, and may occasionally be seen in a mediastinal location.
On chest CT it is visualised as a hyperdense, polylobulated mass, which has a similar density to normal thyroid tissue. Characteristically after contrast administration the ectopic thyroid shows a homogeneous enhancement.
In the above case, a scintigraphy study was performed, which confirmed the diagnosis.