Presented with painful pale left leg. Known history of peripheral vascular disease with bilateral stents in superficial femoral artery and popliteal artery. Continues to smoke.
Patient Data
Both of the left SFA stents are completely occluded throughout their entire length.
There is a left proximal SFA 21mm aneurysm, likely completely thrombosed.
The right femoral stent is patent.
Moderate calcified and non-calcified atheroma in the abdominal aorta and throughout the legs bilaterally.
Incidental finding of bilateral adrenal nodules, bilateral renal cysts, cholelithiasis and dilated biliary tree and pancreatic duct
Patient proceeded to digital subtraction angiogram for revascularization of ischemic limb.
Aneurysmal dilatation of left SFA with occluded stent within. The first series shows contrast injection flowing into produndus femoral artery and there is no flow into the superficial femoral artery.
Thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy performed.
Successful revascularization.
New stent placed in left SFA.
Case Discussion
Patient was observed for reperfusion injury and compartment syndrome. Patient was also assessed for further management of the SFA aneurysm.