Suprasellar meningioma

Case contributed by Mohamed Adel Rezk
Diagnosis probable


Right-sided loss of vision, along with intractable headache.

Patient Data

Age: 45 years
Gender: Female

Right sphenoid-based, well-defined, extra-axial (CSF Cleft sign) lesion iso-intense in T1 (not shown) and T2 to brain parenchyma, and displaying homogenous intense contrast enhancement with dural tail. It exerts a mass effect upon the intracranial segment of the right optic nerve and third ventricle, along with a significant midline shift (11 mm). It is surrounded by grade II vasogenic edema.

The lesion abuts the right internal carotid artery, which remains patent (signal void).

Supratentorial hydrocephalus is more so on the right.

Non-contrastCT (post Gad)


Axial CT cuts (study done as a complementary after MRI+Gd; hence the enhancement) show a well-defined SOL with no bone erosion and non-appreciable hyperostosis.

Case Discussion

The presence of the following features suggests the diagnosis of a meningioma:

  • extra-axial location; CSF Cleft sign

  • homogenous contrast enhancement

  • dural tail enhancement

Unfortunately, further clinical and imaging follow up is unavailable for this patient.

Case Courtesy: Tamer Elrefaiy, MD, Ass. Prof. Heba Abd-Elmoneem, Prof. Faten Fawzy.

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