Supraspinatus tear

Case contributed by Wadah Ahmed
Diagnosis certain


Right shoulder pain and limited range of motion after heavy lifting injury 6 days ago.

Patient Data

Age: 65
Gender: Male

Full thickness anechoic defect at anterior portion of supraspinatus (SSP) tendon. Mild amount free fluid seen at sub-acromial sub-deltoid bursa (SASD B). Mild amount fluid also seen at biceps sheath secondary to supraspinatus tear.

Case Discussion

The majority of rotator cuff tears happen at the supraspinatus tendon, more common at its anterior portion. Tears can involve the articular surface, the bursal surface or being intratendinous centrally located tears, also called intra-substance tears. The full thickness tears extend from the articular to the bursal surface (as in this case). 

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