Thanatophoric dysplasia

Case contributed by Ashesh Ishwarlal Ranchod
Diagnosis almost certain


Suspected congenital skeletal dysplasia with skeletal underdevelopment and bowed limbs.

Patient Data

Age: 34 weeks' gestation
Gender: Female

X-rays performed over a 5-week period confirm the following features:

  • frontal bossing

  • macrocephaly

  • narrow bell-shaped chest and pulmonary hypoplasia

  • short horizontal ribs

  • small scupalae

  • rhizomelia

  • "telephone handle" bowing and metaphyseal flaring of the humeri and femora

  • thickened extremity soft tissues

  • hypoplastic iliac bones

  • small, squared iliac wings

  • platyspondyly

  • normal trunk length

There is possible partial or developing craniostenosis of the sagittal suture.

Case Discussion

Features suggestive of thanatophoric dysplasia. Based on the absence of a cloverleaf skull and significant skeletal underdevelopment with the extent of extremity bowing, a type I thanatophoric dysplasia is likely.

This is an example of one of the lethal skeletal dysplasias; in this instance, the baby passed away after 5 weeks.

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