Hand and thumb trauma.
Patient Data

Tearing of the ulnar collateral ligament is present. The adductor aponeurosis remains superficial to the ulnar collateral ligament.
Intrasubstance abnormal increased fluid signal also is seen along with the ulnar side of the A1 pulley due to annular pulley partial tear.
The fluid-filled defect at the insertion part of the radial collateral ligament dorsal component near to the base of the proximal phalanx is related to a partial tear.
Bone marrow oedema/bruise is seen at the first metacarpal head and proximal phalanx base.
Soft tissue oedema is depicted around the first MCP joint and thumb proximal phalanx.
Case Discussion
The recent case had a complex ligaments injury of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint including UCL, RCL, and A1 annular pulley in the background of multidirectional thumb trauma.
Gamekeeper's thumb is an avulsion or rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb. It is essentially synonymous with skier's thumb, although the latter has more of an acute injury connotation.