Transcervical neck of femur fracture

Case contributed by Pranathi Settipalli
Diagnosis certain


Fall in an elderly patient

Patient Data

Age: 90 years
Gender: Female

There is an impacted transcervical fracture of the right neck of femur with relative inferior displacement of the femoral head to femoral neck. No underlying lytic lesions. The femoral shaft is intact. No pubic rami or sacral fractures. No abnormalities of the right knee or imaged portion of the tibia and fibula. Osteoarthritic changes in the left hip.

Case Discussion

Femoral neck fractures are common proximal femur injuries associated with high patient morbidity and mortality and risk of avascular necrosis to the femoral head.

Typically it is managed operatively with an open reduction and internal fixation or an arthroplasty, depending on the patient's age, pre-injury morbidity and activity levels.

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