Work up for hematuria.
Patient Data
A 51×37mm well-defined mass is noted within the left renal pelvis. The mass has a similar density to normal renal parenchyma on non-enhanced CT scan. After IV contrast media injection, the attenuation value increased from 30HU to 75 HU. On delayed images, the mass is separate from the excreted contrast and appears to drape around it. There is mild hydronephrosis. There is no sign of local invasion to the adjacent structures and no vascular extension of the mass. No regional lymphadenopathy is observed.
Case Discussion
Left renal pelvic mass; pathology proven transitional cell carcinoma, also called urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC). Transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis, is uncommon compared to renal cell carcinoma and can be challenging to identify on routine imaging when small.