Umbilical swelling with pain for the last few hours.
Patient Data
There is an umbilical hernia with a defect measuring 22 x 19 mm. The hernia sac contains distended small bowel without wall edema. There is a diastolic reversal in the bowel wall flow. Proximal intraperitoneal small bowel loops show stasis.
Photo shows gangrene of the herniated small bowel.
Case Discussion
A middle-aged obese male presented with painful umbilical swelling for the last few hours. The ultrasound shows an irreducible umbilical hernia with reduced flow in the herniated small bowel along with the proximal intraperitoneal small bowel stasis.
Surgery was done two hours after the ultrasound. There was gangrene of the herniated small bowel in the umbilical hernia.
Intraoperative photo courtesy: operating surgeon Dr. Niraj I.Patel.