Unilateral facet dislocation

Case contributed by Irvine Sihlahla
Diagnosis certain


History of motor vehicle accident 1 month ago with neck pain, left-sided upper limb weakness and sensory loss.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

C5 on C6 grade 1 anterolisthesis with disc uncovering, unilateral left facet fracture-dislocation with moderate foraminal narrowing. No cord edema or intraspinal hematoma.


CT confirm left C5/C6 perched unilateral facet dislocation with associated facet fracture and a small minimally displaced fracture fragment. The fracture does not extend to the foramen transversarium.


C5 on C6 grade 1 anterolisthesis and loss of congruency involving the C5/C6 facet joint. No significant prevertebral soft tissue swelling.

Case Discussion

The case demonstrates perched unilateral facet dislocation associated with facet fracture. No traumatic cord injury or intraspinal hematoma.

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