Unstable comminuted femoral fracture (gun shot sequel)

Case contributed by Dennis Odhiambo Agolah
Diagnosis certain


Patient presenting to emergency radiology with a gunshot wound to the left thigh.

Patient Data

Age: 20 years
Gender: Male

Extensive fragmentation and spiking of the left distal shaft diaphyseal femoral bony region. Shoot through lateral x rays of the left femur at the affected region reveals a smooth spherical shaped foreign body (bullet in situ) pointed cranially within the medial thigh soft tissues.

Case Discussion

Post-operative findings include unstable comminuted fracture with contamination, removal of foreign body, and present femoral pulses. These are in keeping with the radiological diagnosis of a high-velocity gunshot wound resulting in severe left femoral shaft fracture with comminution and an in situ foreign body (bullet).

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