Urinary bladder stones

Case contributed by Mohammad Osama Hussein Yonso , 8 Aug 2022
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Joachim Feger, 14 Jan 2023
Disclosures - updated 26 Nov 2022: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
Hypertension since 08/2022. No other associated condition. Non-Smoker / Non-Alcoholicnon-alcoholic / Non-Tobacconon-tobacco chewer. Family history: Nonsignificantnonsignificant. General systemic examination: normal
Body was changed:

A hypertension patient since 08/2022, came for a check-up, urine analysis showed plenty of pus cells, RBCs 8-10, leucocytes positive ++++, serum creatinine 123.1 mmol/L, urine microalbumin 71 mg/L, albumin creatinine ratio 14.18 mg/mmol.

KUB ultrasound was requested and showed:

  • bilateral moderate-severe hydroureteronephrosis, and bilateral hyperechoic renal cortex

  • UBurinary bladder showed two large stones measuring 40 mm & 60 mm with debris seen in the urinary bladder and distal third of the dilated ureter bilaterally

  • right side bladder diverticulum measures 2.8 x 2 cm with debris inside

Then KUB X-ray was requested to show the results above.

  • -<li><p>UB showed two large stones measuring 40 mm &amp; 60 mm with debris seen in the urinary bladder and distal third of the dilated ureter bilaterally</p></li>
  • +<li><p>urinary bladder showed two large stones measuring 40 mm &amp; 60 mm with debris seen in the urinary bladder and distal third of the dilated ureter bilaterally</p></li>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Two large anand oval radio-opaque shadows are noted in the pelvis, the largest measuring about 61 x 51 mm, compatible with UBurinary bladder stones.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Two large anand oval radio-opaque shadows are noted inurinary bladder stones in the pelvis, the largest measuring about 61 x 51 mm, compatible with UB stones.

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