The patient presented with frequency, urgency, and occasionally hematuria for a long time.
Patient Data
The urinary bladder is adequately filled and shows an irregular and nodular increase in mural thickness (up to about 12.0 mm in maximum size unilaterally on the right inferolateral aspect). The left ureter is dilated throughout its length, with mild dilatation of the pelvicalyceal system and possible invasion of the distalmost part/vesicoureteric junction by the disease process.
The prostate gland is mildly enlarged in size (measuring about 39.3 gr) with few internal calcifications.
The rest of the visualized organs are within normal limits.
Case Discussion
Current CT findings are in favor of the malignant disease process of the urinary bladder with possible invasion of the left ureter and prostatomegaly as described.
The patient has undergone transurethral resection of the bladder tumor and histopathologically confirmed the urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC) of the bladder.