Wandering spleen

Case contributed by Oscar Gutierrez
Diagnosis almost certain


Severe abdominal pain in the left hypochondriac region after physical assault.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

The spleen is not seen in the anatomical location.

In the left iliac fossa, there is a well-defined homogeneously enhancing oval-shaped soft tissue density mass of about 9 cm in its craniocaudal axis, which is vascularised by an elongated splenic artery that originated from the coeliac trunk and venous drainage is mainly within the left renal vein.

Dorsolumbar scoliosis.

Bone remodelling in both hips probably related to bilateral congenital dysplasia.

Case Discussion

This case demonstrates a wandering spleen, a rare finding that is usually asymptomatic. It may be congenital (as in this case) or acquired and can often be an incidental finding when performing abdominal imaging tests for other reasons.

Patients with this condition are at increased risk of developing splenic torsion and splenic infarction, so in some cases, splenopexy may be considered as a treatment.

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