Wearable cardiac defibrillator

Case contributed by Desiree Rassa Eshraghi
Diagnosis certain


Tachycardia, fever workup. Non-ischemic HFrEF (EF:25-30%), meth use, alcohol use, HIV, ADHF likely in the setting of medication non-compliance.

Patient Data

Age: 55 years
Gender: Male

No discrete focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. This exam was slightly limited due to overlying multiple densities in this patient wearing a LifeVest (wearable cardiac defibrillator) limiting evaluation.

The heart appears mildly enlarged without pulmonary vascular congestion.

Case Discussion

Sudden cardiac deaths account for 15% of fatalities in the United States 1. This device helps diagnose severe arrhythmias. If a severe rhythm is detected, the device alerts the patient before delivering a shock. The LifeVest is a novel treatment to be used before the definitive treatment of an implantable device 2.

This case was submitted with supervision and input from:
Soni C. Chawla, M.D.
Health Sciences Clinical Professor,
Department of Radiological Sciences,
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.
Attending Pediatric Radiologist,
Olive View - UCLA Medical Center.

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