History of trauma, back pain.
Patient Data

Wedge compression fracture of L3 vertebra (about 30% anterior height reduction), associated with diffuse marrow oedema signal. No retropulsed bone fragments. Intact middle & posterior columns.
Multiple L1, L2, L4 & L5 vertebral haemangiomas.
Reduced signal of L2/3 & L4/5 intervertebral discs.
L4/5 diffuse dorsal disc bulge with posterior central extrusion.
L2/3 mild dorsal annular disc bulge.
Case Discussion
the most common type of lumbar fractures
isolated failure of the anterior column
wedge-shaped vertebral body
mechanism of injury: hyperflexion and axial load
rarely associated with neural injury
The main differential is burst fracture (fracture of the anterior and middle columns with or without posterior column fracture, usually associated with neural injury).
The importance of differentiating compression from burst fractures lies in the higher frequency of neurological deficits associated with the latter.