Wilms tumour in horseshoe kidney

Case contributed by Hazem M Almasarei
Diagnosis certain


Abdominal mass.

Patient Data

Age: 2 years
Gender: Male

Large mixed echogenicity soft tissue mass located in the retroperitoneum of the mid abdomen.

There is a large lobulated heterogeneous density mass lesion with areas of necrosis/cystic density arising from a horseshoe kidney (involving the right kidney more than the left by claw sign). It compresses the right renal pelvis resulting in moderate hydronephrosis. The right kidney itself appears hypoattenuating in comparison with the left one, probably due to a delayed nephrogram. There is a suspicious of anterior abdominal wall invasion, as well as of the right liver lobe. The mass compresses the adjacent vessels without invasion or tumoural thrombus. There is non-specific mild stranding of the surrounding fat planes. Features are in keeping with a Wilms tumour.

After chemotherapy, significant partial response exceeding 60-70%. No definite evidence of liver infiltration or abdominal wall involvement. 

Case Discussion

Pathology report:

Tissue origin: Right kidney.
Gross description: Specimen Type: Radical nephrectomy Laterality: Right Kidney Size: Kidney dimension: 7.5 x 6 x 3.5 cm Weight: 105 grams Tumour Site: Lower area Tumour Size: 5 x 4 x 4.5 cm Tumour Characteristics: Solid and cystic with necrosis. Focality: Unifocal Adrenal gland: Not seen. Macroscopic Extent of Tumour Gerota's fascia: Intact Renal Sinus: Renal sinus involvement by tumour not identified Renal vein invasion: Absent Renal Capsule Grossly Intact: Yes. 
Microscopic features: Histologic Type: Nephroblastoma, regressive type. Necrosis: Present (99% of tumour). Nephrogenic Rests: Absent. Anaplasia: Absent Margins: Margins uninvolved by tumour. Renal Sinus: Not involved. Regional Lymph Nodes: Four lymph nodes, free of tumour (0/4) Adrenal Gland: Free of tumour.
Comment(s): Most of the tumour shows chemotherapy-induced changes (necrosis, fibromyxoid and sclerotic stroma with haemorrhage and haemosiderin-laden macrophages). Only rare microscopic foci of epithelial elements within muscular stroma and rare blastemal cells are seen.

Diagnosis: Right kidney, radical nephrectomy: Nephroblastoma, regressive type.  

  • horseshoe kidney is the most common type of congenital fusion anomaly of kidneys in children. 

  • Wilms tumour is the most common intra-abdominal solid mass lesion in children.

  • Wilms tumour has increased incidence in horseshoe kidneys.

Case courtesy Dr. Fatena Ajlouni, Consultant Radiologist. King Hussein Cancer Centre. Amman. Jordan.

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