Wrist - annotated carpal tunnel view

Case contributed by Samir Benoudina
Diagnosis not applicable


Normal adult wrist.

Patient Data

Age: 35 years
Gender: Male
Annotated image
  1. trapezium
  2. scaphoid
  3. capitate
  4. hook of hamate
  5. pisiform
  6. triquetrum

Case Discussion

In the carpal tunnel view, the palmar surface of hand is placed in contact with the cassette which is placed at the table margin; and the wrist is dorsiflexed approximately 135 degrees.

A vertical beam is used, centred to an approximate midpoint of the dorsiflexed wrist.

The film in this projection demonstrates an axial view of the hook of the hamate, as well as the pisiform bone and the volar margin of the trapezium.

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