The patient presents for follow-up after a left femoral osteotomy. There is a known congenital, chronic metabolic bone disorder.
Patient Data
There is a left femoral osteotomy for surgical correction of left femoral bowing. A cortical buttress plate and multiple, fully threaded, cannulated, bi-cortical screws are fixating the osteotomy site.
There is a partial/insufficiency fracture of the proximal medial femur.
There is left-hip enthesopathy.
There is lucency on the left lesser trochanter.
There is ossification of the left ileolumbar ligament.
There is an intramedullary plate within the left tibia.
Case Discussion
The patient has known x-linked hypophosphatemia.
A partial or incomplete fracture of the proximal medial femoral cortex is a type of insufficiency fracture. This is also known as a Looser zone.
Enthesopathy and femoral bowing are findings consistent with X-linked hypophosphatemia.