From the case: Corpus luteum

Modality: Ultrasound

- “ A corpus luteum is a normal finding in a pelvic ultrasound and should not be misinterpreted as a malignancy. In the setting of pregnancy (positiv...”

Used in the following articles:

  • Corpus luteum - “ The corpus luteum (plural: corpora lutea) is a temporary endocrine structure involved in ovulation and early pregnancy. During ovulation, the pri...”
  • Corpus luteal cyst - “ Corpus luteal (CL) cysts are a type of functional ovarian cyst that results when a corpus luteum fails to regress following the release of an ovum...”
  • Ring of fire sign (adnexa) - “ The ring of fire sign, also known as ring of vascularity, signifies a hypervascular lesion with peripheral vascularity on color or pulsed Doppler ...”

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