Kasr Alainy Teaching Hospital on Radiopaedia.org

Kasr Alainy Teaching Hospital


Cairo, Egypt

Kasr Al Ainy Hospital is a research and teaching hospital in Cairo, Egypt. This hospital is affiliated with the Kasr Al Ainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University.

In 1827, a medical school was established and attached to a military hospital in Abu Zaabal. The French doctor Antoine Clot Bey became the first director of the medical school and hospital. In 1837, the medical school and hospital was moved to Kasr El Ainy Street in Cairo.

Kasr Al Ainy Educational Hospital consists of 12 floors including 1200 beds. It represents a landmark in Cairo University's achievements. The hospital includes departments of general internal medicine counting eight departments, departments of internal surgery counting six departments, specialized surgeries counting five departments and cooperative medical units; (Intensive care – blood bank - endoscopy unit), central laboratories, diagnostic radiology departments, surgical operations units, comprises 18 operations rooms quipped with all services.

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