Clinical Details: Rectosigmoid mass

Site of tumour - Sigmoid colon

Maximum tumour diameter - 60 mm

Distance to nearest longitudinal resection margin - 50 mm (distal)

Tumour perforation present? - None

Relation to peritoneal reflection - Above

CRM has been inked orange. Tumour appears to invade the muscularis macroscopically and there are diverticula seen

Tumour type - Adenocarcinoma

Differentiation - Moderately differentiated

Extent of spread - Beyond muscularis propria

Distance beyond MP - 1.5 mm

Serosal involvement - None

Lymphovascular invasion - None apparent

Perineural invasion - None apparent

No. of lymph nodes - 25

No. of involved nodes - None

Non-nodal tumour deposits (N1c) - None

Background abnormalities - diverticular disease

Additional description: There is marked inflammation of the surrounding stroma with foci of abscess and extensive fibrosis. Some abscess is seen adjacent to the tumour, but this does not extend to the serosal surface and therefore the staging remains T3. Diverticular disease was seen macroscopically, which is likely to have contributed to fibrosis and inflammation. 


Proximal - Well clear

Distal - Well clear

CRM - Well clear

Conclusion: Sigmoid colon - Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma TNM 8 - pT3 pN0 (0/25) pMx R0 V0
