Annotated image - Normal CT abdo/pelvis
The labelled structures are (excluding the correct side):
- segment VII of the liver
- right hemidiaphragm
- segment VIII of the liver
- inferior vena cava
- left hepatic vein
- right hepatic vein
- left hemidiaphragm
- middle hepatic vein
- gastric fundus
- segment II of the liver
- segment IVa of the liver
- azygos vein
- gastro-oesophageal junction
- spleen
- xiphoid process of sternum
- left portal vein
- hemiazygos vein
- segment III of the liver
- left hepatic artery
- right portal vein
- splenic artery
- segment IVb of the liver
- segment V of the liver
- splenic vein
- common hepatic duct
- segment VI of the liver
- splenic flexure
- left gastric artery
- right adrenal gland
- body of the stomach
- right hepatic artery
- tail of the pancreas
- inferior vena cava
- left adrenal gland
- common hepatic artery
- body of the pancreas
- portal vein
- falciform ligament
- ligamentum teres
- neck of the gallbladder
- main pancreatic duct
- body of the gallbladder
- epiploic foramen (of Winslow)
- right crus of the diaphragm
- fundus of the gallbladder
- superior pole of the left kidney
- antrum of the stomach
- common bile duct
- gastroduodenal artery
- first part of the duodenum
- pylorus
- coeliac trunk
- abdominal aorta
- neck of the pancreas
- renal pyramid
- jejunum
- hepatic flexure
- intrapancreatic portion of the common bile duct
- major calyx
- right renal vein
- descending colon
- left crus of the diaphragm
- head of the pancreas
- uncinated process of the pancreas
- fat within the renal sinus
- right renal artery
- superior mesenteric artery
- left renal vein
- duodenojejunal flexure
- left renal artery
- renal pelvis
- superior mesenteric vein
- rectus abdominis muscle
- linea alba
- fourth part of the duodenum
- pancreaticoduodenal ampulla
- lumbar vein
- transverse colon
- left ureter
- second part of the duodenum
- ascending colon
- psoas major muscle
- cisterna chyli
- inferior pole of the right kidney
- linea semilunaris
- external oblique muscle
- internal oblique muscle
- tendinous intersection within the rectus abdominis muscle
- transversus abdominis muscle
- third part of the duodenum
- inferior mesenteric vein
- quadratus lumborum muscle
- inferior mesenteric artery