CT-scan shows a complex aortic aneurysm (trilobulated abdominal aortic aneurysm with distal thoracic aneurysm) involving both the thoracic and abdominal aorta. There is an important right iliac aneurysm. In the most distal lobulation of the abdominal aneurysm, there is a hyperdense crescent associated with posterior linear fat stranding. The hyperdense crescent is easier to see on the NECT with the modified window. There is no sign of rupture. However, these findings are highly suggestive of impending rupture.
There is an obstruction of the small intestine involving the jejunum at the midline. The zone of transition is located right behind the umbilicus, near a laparoscopy trocar site. The findings are compatible with a small bowel obstruction secondary to a post-operative adhesion. There is some free fluid surrounding the small bowel, but none of it has a hemorrhagic density on CT, with perihepatosplenic free fluid. Bilateral pleural effusion.