Histopathology report

Gross examination

Specimen received fixed in formalin solution, labelled with patient's name, consists of 4.5 x 3 cm ovarian tissue with attached 7 x 4.5 x 4.5 cm oval relatively circumscribed mass. On cutting the ovarian tissue is cystic and the cut surface of the mass is white tan in colour and fibrotic. Multiple representative sections were submitted and embedded in seven cassettes.

Microscopic examination

Serial levels reveal an ovarian tumour composed of closely packed spindle stromal cells arranged in a storiform pattern of growth. Hyaline bands are present-centred mainly around blood vessels. Areas of oedema were also detected. Cellular atypia is almost minimal and mitotic activity is also almost absent. No necrosis. The overall picture is consistent with fibroma. The attached ovarian tissue is unremarkable and contains few cystic follicles, dilated vascular channels and two corpus luteal cysts.

Final diagnosis

Left ovarian mass excision: fibroma
