Complete right MCA territory infarct with pronounced midline shift (subfalcine herniation). The right thalamus is displaced to the left of midline (not shown). Ipsilateral distal ACA is likely to be compressed by the subfalcine herniation, resulting in infraction of the right superior frontal gyrus.
The right lateral ventricle is effaced by the mass effect with a "trapped" left lateral ventricle. Periventricular hypodensities at the trigone region of the left lateral ventricle may represent transepenedymal migration of CSF.
Apparent hyperdensities along the region of Sylvian fissure, cortical sulci and M1 segment of MCA may reflect increased cerebral pressure - the so-called "pseudosubarachnoid haemorrhage". Alternatively, the hyperdense M1 may represent an in-situ thrombus.