Histology: The sections show a moderately cellular meningioma. The tumor forms whorls. No sheeting arrangement is seen. The tumor cells have ovoid nuclei with no nuclear pleomorphism. There are up to 3 mitoses per 10 high power fields. No necrosis is seen. The tumor is present in the connective tissue. It is adjacent to but not invading into nerve bundles. No evidence of atypical or malignant meningioma is identified. The tumor cells are progesterone receptor negative. The topoisomerase index is 2%.
Diagnosis: Spinal tumor: Meningioma (WHO Grade I).
Spine meningiomas are slow-growing benign tumors usually resected surgically, and experiencing a recurrence index in about 10% of the cases. The main differential is made with spinal schwannomas, which can look very similar.