Leeds ST1 teaching: The less common '-itis'es

Playlist contributed by Melisa Sia
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Intraperitoneal focal fat infarction (IFFI) refers to a group of self-limiting abdominal diseases where the primary insult is acute inflammation of intraperitoneal fat. 

The group includes:

  • epiploic appendagitis
  • omental infarction: can be primary (usually RLQ) or secondary (site of insult)

They share common risk factors, including obesity, recent abdominal surgery, and trauma.


Differentiating Appendagitis vs Omental infarct:

  • usually smaller, ovoid area
  • hyperdense central dot (thrombosed vessel)


Diverticulitis: Diverticulae can arise from any hollow structure!

  • Gastric, Small bowel (duodenum/jejunum/ileum/Meckel's), Colon
  • Gallbladder, Urinary bladder