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More than 200 results

Tinnitus causes (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest causes of tinnitus is: HAMMER ​Mnemonic H: hypertension A: anemia / acoustic neuroma M: migraine / Menière's disease M: medication (quinine, NSAIDs, streptomycin)  E: ear pathology (wax, foreign body, otitis media)  R: rare (temporomandibular joint ...

Miliary lung nodules (mnemonic)

The list of differential diagnoses for miliary lung nodules can be recalled with the mnemonic: TEMPEST Mnemonic TEMPEST T: tuberculosis E: eosinophilic granuloma M: metastases (especially thyroid) P: pneumoconiosis E: extrinsic allergic alveolitis (now known as hypersensitivity pneumonit...

Postpartum hemorrhage risk factors (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the basic risk factors of postpartum hemorrhage is: PARTUM Mnemonic P: prolonged labor / polyhydramnios / previous C-section A: APH R: recent Hx of bleeding T: twins U: uterine fibrosis M: multiparity 

Branches of the external carotid artery (mnemonic)

Mnemonics for the branches of the external carotid artery abound. A few colorful examples include:  Some American Ladies Found Our Pyramids Most Satisfactory Some Anatomists Like Freaking Out Poor Medical Students She Always Likes Friends Over Papa, Mama, and Sister There are many many many ...

Stellate breast lesions: causes (mnemonic)

A handy mnemonic to recall the causes of a stellate breast lesion is: STARFACE Mnemonic S: summation shadow T: tumor (i.e. invasive breast cancer) A: abscess R: radial scar F: fibroadenoma / fat necrosis A: adenosis (sclerosing) CE: other causes, hematoma (e.g. postoperative, post biops...

Ejaculatory pathway of sperm (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic to remember the ejaculatory pathway of sperm is: SEVEN UP Mnemonic S: seminiferous tubules of the testes E: epididymis V: ductus deferens E: ejaculatory duct N: nothing U: urethra P: penis

Subclavian artery branches (mnemonic)

Helpful mnemonics to remember the branches of the subclavian artery include: Very Indignant Tired Individuals Sip Tasty Almond Coffee Served Double Daily VIT C, D (as in vitamins C and D) Mnemonics Very Indignant Tired Individuals Sip Tasty Almond Coffee Served Double Daily V: vertebral art...

Rotator cuff (mnemonic)

Mnemonics to recall the muscles of the rotator cuff are: SITS TISS Mnemonic S: supraspinatus I: infraspinatus T: teres minor S: subscapularis With 'SITS', recalling this order also helps remember the insertions of these muscles, with the order being superior, middle, and inferior facets ...

Hair on end sign (mnemonic)

The hair on end sign refers to a radiographic appearance of the diploic space of the skull vault which results from a thickening of trabeculae as the diploic space expands. These trabeculae are perpendicular in orientation, interspersed by radiolucent marrow hyperplasia along with skull vault. ...

Dialysis indications (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the basic indications of dialysis is HAVE PEE Mnemonic H: hyperkalemia (refractory) A: acidosis (refractory) V: volume overload E: elevated BUN > 35 mM P: pericarditis E: encephalopathy E: edema (pulmonary)

Branches of internal carotid artery (mnemonic)

Useful mnemonics to remember the branches of the internal carotid artery is: A VIP'S COMMA Calming Voices Make Intra-Operative Surgery Pleasurable And Almost Memorable Carotid Vessels Mnemonic Instantly Offers Super Powers And Aids Memory Mnemonics A VIP'S COMMA A: anterior choroidal arter...

Renal papillary necrosis (mnemonic)

Mnemonics for the causes of renal papillary necrosis are plentiful and include: NSAID POSTCARDS AD SPORT C: a list of causes in decreasing order of incidence DINASOR Mnemonics NSAID Most common causes: N: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) S: sickle cell disease A: acetamin...

Salter-Harris fracture classification (mnemonic)

Useful mnemonics for remembering the Salter-Harris classification system are: SALTR SMACK SMETI Fortunately, this is also the order of prognosis (from best to worse) Mnemonics SALTR S: slipped (type I) A: above or away from joint (type II) L: lower (type III) T: through or transverse o...

Hydronephrosis (mnemonic)

The causative factors leading to hydronephrosis can be recalled using this mnemonic: RUNS Mnemonic R: retroperitoneal fibrosis U: urolithiasis N: neoplastic mass (cervical cancer) S: stenosis of pelvi-ureteric junction

Conditions with upper lobe predominance (mnemonic)

Useful mnemonics to remember conditions with upper lobe predominance in chest radiology are: STEP BREASTS SHORTI A TEA SHOP SET CAP Mnemonics STEP S: sarcoidosis, silicosis T: tuberculosis E: eosinophilic pneumonia P: pneumoconiosis BREASTS B: berylliosis R: radiation fibrosis E: ...

Lucent/lytic bone lesion - differential diagnosis (mnemonic)

Mnemonics for the differential diagnosis of lucent/lytic bone lesions include: FEGNOMASHIC FOG MACHINES They are anagrams of each other and therefore include the same components. They are by no means exhaustive lists, but are a good start for remembering a differential for a lucent/lytic bone...

Diffuse bone marrow infiltration on MRI (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember differentials causing diffuse bone marrow infiltration on MRI. Bone marrow infiltration is best evaluated on T1 sequences and may be focal or diffuse. Focal infiltration is seen in metastases and lymphoma. The diffuse pattern is seen more commonly in multiple myeloma, mast...

Tumors that metastasize to bone (mnemonic)

Tumors that metastasize to bone may be remembered using the mnemonic "PBKTL", rendered as "lead kettle", as "Pb" is the standard abbreviation for the chemical element, lead. PB-KTL Mnemonic P: prostate B: breast K: kidney T: thyroid L: lung For females, breast and lung are the most commo...

Cholinergic crisis (mnemonic)

Mnemonics for the clinical features associated with cholinergic crisis comprise: MDS​' BEDBUG LB FW HRCT CDS' CASA Mnemonics MDS' BEDBUG LB Colloquially denoting "MDs' Bedbug Pound," with pound semantically signaled by the letters "Lb", this mnemonic corresponds to the clinical features of...

Conditions with lower lobe predominance (mnemonic)

Mnemonics for conditions with a lower lobe predominance in chest radiology include: CIA BAD AS RASCO Mnemonics CIA C: collagen vascular diseases I: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis A: asbestosis BAD AS B: bronchiectasis A: aspiration pneumonia D: drugs; desquamative interstitial pneumon...