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More than 200 results

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (mnemonic)

Clinical diagnosis requires the presence of at least two criteria to confirm the presence of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) 1. These diagnostic criteria can be remembered with the mnemonic: CAFE SPOT Mnemonic C: café-au-lait spots (greater than six seen during one year) A: axillary or ingui...

UTI-causing microorganisms (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest micro-organisms responsible for urinary tract infections (UTIs) is: KEEPS Mnemonic K: Klebsiella spp. E: Enterococcus faecalis / Enterobacter cloacae E: Escherichia coli P: Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Proteus mirabilis S: Staphylococcus saprophyticus / S...

Ivory vertebra (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the differential diagnosis of ivory vertebra is: LIMPH M.PHIL (i.e. Master of Philosophy) Mnemonic LIMPH L: lymphoma (usually Hodgkin lymphoma) I: infection (tuberculous spondylitis) M: metastases (osteoblastic) and myelosclerosis P: Paget disease of bone H: heman...

Branches of anterior and posterior divisions of the internal iliac artery (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic to remember the branches of the anterior and posterior divisions of the internal iliac artery is: I <3 U SUMO SIL which reads as "I love you sumo Sil" Mnemonic I: internal pudendal artery I: inferior vesical artery *  I: inferior gluteal artery U: uterine artery (in femal...

Pulmonary cavity (mnemonic)

A particularly helpful mnemonic for causes of pulmonary cavities is: CAVITY Mnemonic C: cancer  lung cancer: most frequently squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cavitary pulmonary metastasis(es): most frequently SCC A: autoimmune; granulomas from  granulomatosis with polyangiitis rheumatoid ar...

Sacral plexus branches (mnemonic)

A handy mnemonic to recall the branches of the sacral plexus is: Six Ps: as all of the nerves of the anterior rami (prior to its division) start with the letter P SLIP, DSP: if you slip over, you may need to go on the DSP (Disability Support Pension) Mnemonic Six Ps nerve to piriformis (S1-...

Extraocular muscle involvement in thyroid associated orbitopathy (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the order in which extraocular muscles are involved in thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO) is: I'M SLOw Mnemonic I: inferior rectus M: medial rectus S: superior rectus L: lateral rectus O: obliques muscles (superior oblique and inferior oblique) There is some deba...

Focal sclerotic bony lesions (mnemonic)

A popular mnemonic to help remember causes of focal sclerotic bony lesions is: HOME LIFE Mnemonic H: healed non-ossifying fibroma (NOF) O: osteoma M: metastasis E: Ewing sarcoma L: lymphoma I: infection or infarct F: fibrous dysplasia E: enchondroma

Chest radiograph preinterpretation (mnemonic)

A helpful mnemonic for chest radiograph preinterpretation is: POPIRAM Mnemonic P: projection, PA (Posterior-Anterior) or AP (Anterior-Posterior)? left lateral or right lateral? O: orientation, determine left and right of the chest x-ray P: penetration (of the x-ray), under- or over-penetrat...

Foramen ovale contents (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember foramen ovale contents is: OVALE Mnemonic O: otic ganglion (inferior) V: V3 cranial nerve (mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve) A: accessory meningeal artery L: lesser petrosal nerve E: emissary veins

Nystagmus (mnemonic)

A helpful mnemonic to remember the expected direction of nystagmus during a caloric test is: COWS Mnemonic Cold-Opposite Warm-Same Following ear stimulation with water (left ear): cold water (cooler than body temperature), a right-beating nystagmus (directed toward the opposite ear) result...

Finger clubbing (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic to remember most of the causes of finger clubbing is: CLUBBING Mnemonic C: cardiac subacute infective endocarditis cyanotic heart disease atrial myxoma L: lungs lung abscess empyema cystic fibrosis idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis tuberculosis bronchiectasis mesothel...

Skin changes of mercury poisoning (mnemonic)

A mnemonic for the skin changes associated with mercury poisoning is: 5 Ps Mnemonic P: pink P: puffy P: painful P: paresthesia P: peeling

Lichen planus (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to describe the skin lesions associated with lichen planus is: 5 Ps Mnemonic P: planar P: polygonal P: pruritic P: purple P: papular

Congenital hypothyroidism (mnemonic)

The features of an infant with congenital hypothyroidism can be recalled with the following mnemonic: 5 Ps Mnemonic P: pot belly P: pallor P: puffy face P: protruding umbilicus P: poked out tongue

Calcified glial tumors (mnemonic)

In order of decreasing frequency, a useful mnemonic to remember glial tumors which calcify is: Old Elephants Age Gracefully Mnemonic O: oligodendroglioma E: ependymoma A: astrocytoma G: glioblastoma

Acute pancreatitis severity criteria (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the severity criteria for acute pancreatitis is: PANCREAS Mnemonic P: PAO2 <8 kpA A: age >55 years N: neutrophilia (WBC >15 x 109 / L) C: calcium <2 mmol/L R: renal (urea >16 mmol/L) E: enzymes (LDH >600 IU/L and AST >200 IU/L) A: albumin (serum) <32 g/L S: sugar...

Internal jugular vein tributaries (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic to remember the branches of the internal jugular vein is: Medical Schools Let Fun People In Mnemonic From inferior to superior: M: middle thyroid vein S: superior thyroid vein L: lingual vein F: facial vein P: pharyngeal vein I: inferior petrosal sinus

Intracranial hypotension (mnemonic)

A useful mnemonic to remember the features of intracranial hypotension is: SEEPS Mnemonic S: subdural fluid collections E: enhancement of the pachymeninges E: engorgement of the venous sinuses P: pituitary hyperemia S: sagging brain See also intracranial hypotension

Abdominal organ echogenicity (mnemonic)

This mnemonic helps to remember the relative echogenicity of abdominal organs on ultrasound: Darling Parents So Love Kids Mnemonic From most to least echogenic: D: diaphragm P: pancreas S: spleen L: liver K: kidneys (cortex)