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More than 200 results
Liver overlap sign (sigmoid volvulus)
The liver overlap sign can be seen in sigmoid volvulus wherein the sigmoid loop is seen, usually on an abdominal radiograph, ascending to the right upper quadrant and projecting over the liver shadow.
In one study of 21 patients with confirmed sigmoid volvulus, the sign was present in 9 patient...
Holly leaf sign
The holly leaf sign refers to the appearance of pleural plaques on chest radiographs. Their irregular thickened nodular edges are likened to the appearance of a holly leaf.
Rolling stone sign
The rolling stone sign refers to the presence of gallstones within the gallbladder that are mobile when the patient moves.
Small gallstones can sometimes be difficult to diagnose due to the absence of posterior shadow artifact but the presence of a rolling stone sign increases the confidence of...
Pseudoneuroma sign (plantar plate tear)
The pseudoneuroma sign is an indirect sign of plantar plate tears at the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) on MRI. This sign refers to pericapsular ill-defined and eccentric to the intermetatarsal space soft tissue thickening and is helpful for raising the accurate diagnosis of a plantar plate te...
String sign (disambiguation)
The string sign may refer to:
angiographic string sign
gastrointestinal string sign
string sign of parosteal osteosarcoma
myositis ossificans string sign
Ribbon ribs deformity
Ribbon ribs deformity refers to the presence of thinned ribs on image studies. Such findings could be present in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 due to the presence of multiple neurofibromas of intercostal nerves.
This deformity is also described in
osteogenesis imperfecta 1
Edwards s...
Sunset eye sign
The sunset eye sign (also known as the setting sun phenomenon) is a clinical phenomenon encountered in infants and young children with raised intracranial pressure (seen in up to 40% of children with obstructive hydrocephalus and 13% of children with shunt dysfunction 1).
It consists of an up-...
Tullio phenomenon
The Tullio phenomenon describes the precipitation of vertigo and nystagmus by a loud noise.
The tympanic membrane and ossicular chain must be intact with a mobile footplate. It may be seen in several situations:
Ménière disease
superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndr...
Tiger stripe appearance
The tiger stripe appearance, also described as corduroy/laminated/striated appearance 2, refers to the characteristic alternating hypo and hyperintense bands on MRI in Lhermitte-Duclos disease. This rare cerebellar tumor appears like the coat of a tiger.
See also
tigroid pattern - in brain
Vacuum phenomenon in shoulder
Vacuum phenomenon in the shoulder refers to the presence of intra-articular gas in the shoulder joint. It is a very common occurrence, particularly in external rotation. This can cause circular or linear areas of low signal intensity on GRE MR images of the shoulder obtained with external rotati...
Corduroy sign (vertebral hemangioma)
The corduroy sign refers to vertically-oriented, thickened trabeculae seen in intraosseous hemangiomas of the spine. It is the sagittal and coronal equivalent of the polka-dot sign seen on axial imaging.
It is caused by the replacement of the normal cancellous bone by thickened vertical trabec...
Ataxia (clinical sign)
Ataxia denotes the impaired coordination of voluntary muscle function. It is not a specific disease, but a clinical sign that can have diverse etiologies. It is typically caused by either cerebellar damage or impaired vestibular or proprioceptive afferent sensory input to the cerebellum.
Bright rim sign (disambiguation)
The bright rim sign on MRI can refer to
bright rim sign in DNETs
bright rim sign in ATFL injury 1
putaminal rim sign
Incomplete border sign (chest)
The incomplete border sign is useful to depict an extrapulmonary mass on chest radiograph.
An extrapulmonary mass will often have an inner well-defined border and an ill-defined outer margin 1-3. This can be attributed to the inner margin being tangential to the x-ray beam and having a good inh...
Double disc sign
Thickening of the insertion of the lateral pterygoid muscle can mimic an anterior displaced temporomandibular disc. When both thickening of the inferior belly insertion and an anteriorly displaced disc are present, as in temporomandibular joint dysfunction, the two structures parallel each other...
Suspected physical abuse
Suspected physical abuse (SPA), also known as non-accidental injury (NAI) or inflicted injury, in infants and young children represents both ethical and legal challenges to treating physicians.
Radiologists may be the first clinical staff to suspect non-accidental injuries when confronted with ...
Corkscrew sign (disambiguation)
Corkscrew sign can refer to:
corkscrew sign (corkscrew cochlea)
corkscrew sign (diffuse esophageal spasm)
corkscrew sign (midgut volvulus)
corkscrew sign (ureteric tuberculosis)
Whirlpool sign (testicular torsion)
The whirlpool sign of the spermatic cord is a direct sign of testicular torsion, both complete and incomplete (i.e. <360°). It is considered to be the most specific and sensitive sign for testicular torsion.
The term whirlpool sign is used in other contexts: see whirlpool sign (dis...
Rose-thorn ulcers (terminal ilium)
Rose-thorn ulcers or rose-thorn appearance refers to deep penetrating linear ulcers or fissuring typically seen within stenosed terminal ileum with a thickened wall. They appear as thorn-like extraluminal projections on barium studies and this appearance is one of the typical signs of Crohn dise...
Hanging noose sign
Hanging noose sign in obstetric imaging is a rarely described but classical finding of a true umbilical cord knot. It demonstrates a transverse section of the umbilical cord surrounded by a loop of umbilical cord and changes in the pressure of the knot can be demonstrated with the fetal movement...