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More than 200 results
Congenital renal anomalies
Congenital renal anomalies comprise of vast spectrum of pathologies and include:
renal agenesis
renal dysgenesis
congenital renal hypoplasia
congenital megacalyectasis
congenital cystic renal disease
infantile polycystic renal disease: autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD):...
Single layer periosteal reaction
Single layer (or lamellar) periosteal reaction is a uniformly dense, single thin layer of new bone about 1-2 mm from the cortical surface. It usually denotes an acute or subacute pathological process. Passive hyperemia causes increased osteoblastic activity and production of new bone.
Multilayered periosteal reaction
Multilayered periosteal reaction, also known as a lamellated or onion skin periosteal reaction, demonstrates multiple concentric parallel layers of new bone adjacent to the cortex, reminiscent of the layers on an onion. The layers are thought to be the result of periods of variable growth 2 and ...
Disorganized periosteal reaction
Disorganized or complex periosteal reaction has spicules with random orientation and appearance. It is often seen in highly aggressive processes.
It has been associated with:
Ewing sarcoma
stress fracture
malignant fibrous h...
Calcifying pulmonary metastases
Calcifying pulmonary metastases are rare. These should not be confused with metastatic pulmonary calcification.
Calcification in metastases can arise through a variety of mechanisms: bone formation in tumors of osteoid origin, calcification and ossification of tumor cartilage, dystro...
Heterogeneous thyroid echotexture
Heterogeneous echogenicity of the thyroid gland is a non-specific finding and is associated with conditions diffusely affecting the thyroid gland. These include:
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Graves disease
The presence of heterogenous thyroid echogenicity may reduce sensitivity of detection of thyro...
Chronic interstitial pneumonitis
Chronic interstitial pneumonitis is a broad descriptive term where an interstitial pneumonia has a prolonged course. It can arise from a range of etiologies. The term does not usually imply a specific radiographic pattern and includes UIP, NSIP or other patterns. As a general rule, there is litt...
High bone mineral density
A high bone mineral density is one where the bone mineral density (BMD) is usually greater than two standard deviations above what is expected for age. This can sometimes be seen on routine DEXA scan assessment. Some authors advocate a definition of a high BMD where the Z-score is greater than +...
Subpulmonic effusion
Subpulmonic effusions (also known as subpulmonary effusions) are pleural effusions that can be seen only on an erect projection. Rather than layering laterally and blunting of the costophrenic angle, the pleural fluid lies almost exclusively between the lung base and the diaphragm.
Peribronchovascular thickening
Peribronchovascular thickening is a broad imaging descriptive term commonly used to describe thickening of any one or more of the below:
peribronchovascular interstitial thickening
bronchial wall thickening: can be differentiated from true peribronchovascular thickening on cross-sectional imag...
High riding shoulder
A high-riding shoulder refers to the superior displacement/subluxation of the humeral head with resultant decrease in the acromiohumeral distance.
The differential for a high-riding shoulder is:
rotator cuff tear with or without rotator cuff arthropathy
rheumatoid arthritis: rheumatoid arthri...
Nodular pleural thickening
Nodular pleural thickening is a form of pleural thickening.
Most common causes of nodular pleural thickening are malignant and include:
metastatic pleural disease, particularly from adenocarcinomas, e.g.
bronchogenic adenocarcinoma
breast cancer
ovarian cancer
Cerebrovascular malformations
Cerebrovascular malformations are vascular malformations related to the vessels that supply the brain and other cranial structures.
Over the years, cerebral vascular malformations have been classified in a variety of ways by many authors, often on the basis of the presence or ab...
Nephrocalcinosis, previously known as Anderson-Carr kidney or Albright calcinosis, refers to the deposition of calcium salts in the parenchyma of the kidney. It is divided into several types, with differing etiologies, based on the distribution:
medullary nephrocalcinosis: 95%
cortical nephroc...
Leave alone lesions - maxillodental
Maxillodental leave alone lesions are usually incidental findings that do not require treatment nor follow-up if the patient is asymptomatic.
This article includes findings from orthopantomogram, cone-beam CT, and sinus CT studies.
Do not touch:
benign lesions
tooth ankylosis
Milk of calcium within a breast cyst
Milk of calcium within a breast cyst is a mammographic feature observed when there is dependent calcium layering within breast cysts. It is typically observed as "tea cup" or "crescent shaped" calcifications on a true lateral (LM or ML) view or occasionally on a MLO view. On a CC view, these cal...
Orbital mass
An orbital mass carries a wide differential.
Differential diagnosis
lacrimal gland or duct tumors
rhabdomyosarcoma of the orbit
optic nerve meningioma
optic nerve glioma
schwannoma (of trigeminal or other cranial nerves except optic)
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage
Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) is a subset of diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage when bleeding is diffuse and directly into the alveolar spaces. It can occur in a vast number of clinical situations and can be life-threatening.
Blood tends to fill alveolar spaces at multiple sites.
Splenic lesions and anomalies
There are a number of splenic lesions and anomalies:
hypervascular splenic lesions
Congenital anomalies
accessory spleen
wandering spleen
bipartite spleen
splenogonadal fusion
retrorenal spleen
Mass lesions
Benign mass lesions
splenic cyst
splenic pseudo...
Terminal tuft mass
There is only a short list of terminal tuft masses that can arise from the adjacent soft tissues and erode the terminal tuft or arise from the terminal tuft itself:
epidermal inclusion cyst: history of penetrating trauma
tenosynovial giant cell tumor: occurs laterally
subungual glomus tumor (...