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More than 200 results
V/Q scan
V/Q (ventilation/perfusion) scan is a scintigraphic examination of the lung that evaluates pulmonary vasculature perfusion and segmental bronchoalveolar tree ventilation.
diagnosis of suspected pulmonary embolism, particularly in patients with a contraindication to CTPA (e.g. iodin...
Lipomas are benign tumors composed of mature adipocytes. They are the most common soft tissue tumor, seen in ~2% of the population.
Patients typically present in adulthood (5th-7th decades).
In some cases, multiple lipomas are associated with syndromes and other di...
Pineal and tectal plate protocol (MRI)
MRI protocol for the pineal and tectal plate assessment is a group of MRI sequences put together to best approach tumors involving this region.
The pineal region is best imaged with MRI although CT, angiography, and ultrasound (in infants) also play a role. Please refer to the article pineal r...
Normal lower limb imaging examples
This page lists examples of normal imaging of the lower limb, divided by region and modality.
Pelvic girdle
plain radiograph
example 1: frontal
example 2: pediatric
example 3: pediatric (9 months, 11 months, and older child)
example 4: trauma supine
example 5: frontal (female)
Eklund technique
Eklund modified compression technique is a technique which can be used for patients with augmented or reconstructed breasts post mastectomy.
It consists of posterosuperior displacement of the implants simultaneously to an anterior traction of the breast, pushing the implants towards...
Pelvis (inlet view)
The anteroposterior inlet view is part of a pelvic series examining the iliac crest, sacrum, proximal femur, pubis, ischium and the great pelvic ring.
It is of considerable importance in the management of severely injured patients presenting to emergency departments 1. This particu...
The calcaneus, also referred to as the calcaneum, (plural: calcanei or calcanea) is the largest tarsal bone and the major bone in the hindfoot. It articulates with the talus superiorly and the cuboid anteriorly and shares a joint space with the talonavicular joint, appropriately called the taloc...
CT angiography of the cerebral arteries (protocol)
CT angiography of the cerebral arteries, also known as a CTA carotids or an arch to vertex angiogram, is a non-invasive technique that allows visualization of the internal and external carotid arteries and vertebral arteries and can include just the intracranial compartment or also extend down t...
Skull (Caldwell view)
The Caldwell view is a caudally angled radiograph, with its posteroanterior projection allowing for minimal radiation to the orbits. This view may be used in imaging of the skull or facial bones depending on the clinical indications.
This view aids in visualizing the paranasal sinu...
CT chest non-contrast (protocol)
The CT chest (non-contrast) protocol serves as an outline for the acquisition of a chest CT without the use of an intravenous contrast medium.
Note: This article aims to frame a general concept of a CT protocol for the assessment of the chest. Protocol specifics will vary depending on CT scanne...
CT renal mass (protocol)
The renal mass CT protocol is a multiphasic contrast-enhanced examination for the assessment of renal masses. It is most often comprised of a non-contrast, nephrogenic phase and excretory phase. However, this article will cover the optional, corticomedullary phase too.
NB: This article is inten...
Transcranial Doppler sonography (ultrasound)
Transcranial Doppler (TCD), also known as transcranial color-coded duplex sonography (TCCS) is a sonographic study of intracranial structures and blood vessels, used most commonly to identify the hemodynamic state present in the vertebrobasilar circulation and the circle of Willis.
Cervical spine (AP oblique view)
The AP oblique cervical spine projections are supplementary views to the standard AP, odontoid and lateral images in the cervical spine series and are always done bilaterally for comparison purposes. However, the PA oblique projection is preferred as it reduces radiation dose to the thyroid 1 co...
Upper limb radiography (pediatric)
Upper limb radiography involves plain film imaging of the shoulder, humerus, ulna, radius, metacarpals and carpal bones in pediatric patients. Depending on the patients' age, the difficulty of the examination will vary, often requiring a specialist trained radiographer familiar with a variety of...
Abdomen radiograph (pediatric)
The abdomen radiograph is a commonly requested examination in the pediatric patient. Children that present for abdominal x-rays are often very unwell, therefore specialized techniques and appropriate communication are essential for gaining the child's cooperation.
Performing abdom...
Sacroiliac joint (AP sacrum view)
The AP sacrum projection is part of the sacroiliac series that includes an oblique projection (PA/AP) of the joint on both sides. Although usually taken as an AP projection it can also be taken PA with a reverse caudal central ray angulation of 30° to 35° when patients cannot assume supine posit...
Tardus parvus
Tardus parvus refers to a pattern of Doppler ultrasound spectral waveform resulting from arterial stenosis. The phenomenon is observed downstream to the site of stenosis, and is due to reduced magnitude of blood flow through the narrowed vessel during ventricular systole 7.
This characteristic ...
Sacroiliac joint (PA oblique view)
The posteroanterior (PA) oblique sacroiliac joint view demonstrates the sacroiliac joints (SIJs) in an open profile. It is commonly used in conjunction with the sacroiliac AP view.
This projection examines both left and right sacroiliac joints for comparison purposes in the evalua...
Wrist (clenched fist view)
The clenched fist view is an additional projection used to evaluate suspected widening of the scapholunate interval, often performed bilaterally it is a functional view that requires the patient to clench both hands.
Patient position
patient is seated in front of the table
both hands are pl...
ABER position
The ABER position relates to MR arthrography of the shoulder joint and is a mnemonic for ABduction and External Rotation.
In this position, labral tears are made conspicuous by tightening the inferior glenohumeral labroligamentous complex (which are also the most important glenohumeral ligament...