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More than 200 results

Congenital megacalyces

Congenital megacalyces is an incidental finding which mimics hydronephrosis. It is a result of underdevelopment of the renal medullary pyramids with resultant enlargement of the calyces. It is more frequently seen in males. The enlarged calyces predispose to stasis, infection and calculus forma...

Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck

Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck is a rare condition in female children caused by a failure of complete obliteration of the canal of Nuck 1. The canal of Nuck is an abnormal patent pouch of peritoneum extending anterior to the round ligament of the uterus into the labia majora 2. Incomplete oblite...

Renal infarction

Renal infarction results from interruption of the normal blood supply to part of, or to the whole kidney. The main imaging differential diagnosis includes pyelonephritis and renal tumors. Epidemiology The demographics of affected patients will depend on the underlying cause, although as most c...

Hydronephrosis (mnemonic)

The causative factors leading to hydronephrosis can be recalled using this mnemonic: RUNS Mnemonic R: retroperitoneal fibrosis U: urolithiasis N: neoplastic mass (cervical cancer) S: stenosis of pelvi-ureteric junction

Urinary bladder hernia

Herniation of the urinary bladder is a relatively uncommon but not a rare condition. It occurs when the urinary bladder or ureter herniates into the inguinal canal, scrotal sac or femoral canal. Herniations through ischiorectal, obturator, or abdominal wall openings have also been described. Bla...

Renal trauma

Renal trauma can result from direct, blunt, penetrating, and iatrogenic injury. Epidemiology Renal injuries account for ~10% of abdominal trauma, and thus the demographic of affected individuals reflect that population. The incidence of renal injuries increases in pre-existing congenital or ac...


Nephrocalcinosis, previously known as Anderson-Carr kidney or Albright calcinosis, refers to the deposition of calcium salts in the parenchyma of the kidney. It is divided into several types, with differing etiologies, based on the distribution: medullary nephrocalcinosis: 95% cortical nephroc...

Sickle cell disease (abdominal manifestations)

Abdominal manifestations of sickle cell disease (SCD) are wide and can involve many organs. For a general discussion, please refer to sickle cell disease. Splenic splenomegaly may occur transiently with the sequestration syndrome, where rapid pooling of blood occurs in the spleen, resulting ...

Fallopian (disambiguation)

The eponym fallopian may refer to: fallopian canal (facial nerve canal) fallopian tube (uterine duct) fallopian ligament (inguinal ligament) History and etymology It is named after Gabriele Falloppio (also known by his Latin name Fallopius), Italian anatomist (1523-1562). Despite the eponym...

Testicular cancer

Testicular cancers are the most common malignancy in men between the ages of 20 and 34 years. Epidemiology Testicular cancer is uncommon, accounting for less than 1% of all internal organ malignancies 2. The commonest histology of the tumor varies with the age of affected individuals. Over 90...

Filarial dance sign

The filarial dance sign refers to a twirling motion of macrofilariae (adult worms; e.g. W. bancrofti) in dilated lymphatic channels. It is identified as a characteristic sign of scrotal filariasis. The dilated channels are identified with the absence of color flow on color Doppler study and the...

Encysted spermatic cord hydrocele

Encysted spermatic cord hydroceles are one of the subtypes of spermatic cord hydrocoele where the fluid collection does not communicate with the peritoneum above or the tunica vaginalis below.  Pathology In this encysted type, a loculated hydrocoele occurs along the spermatic cord due to oblit...

Aubergine sign (penis)

The aubergine sign (also known as egg-plant sign or deformity) is a clinical sign of a fractured penis. Hemorrhage beyond the tunica albuginea produces swelling and bruising of the penis simulating the appearance of an aubergine.  

Michaelis-Gutmann bodies

Michaeliis-Gutmann bodies are a histological feature characteristic of malakoplakia, typically seen in mid-stage disease 1,2. They are 1–10 μm laminated or targetoid basophilic focal inclusions of iron and calcium salts seen on light microscopy. They are also periodic acid–Schiff, and diastase-...

Perineal body

The perineal body, also known as the central tendon of the perineum, (TA: corpus perineale) is a key midline fibromuscular structure, with important muscular attachments, which acts to stabilize the structures of the pelvis and perineum. It is located between the anal canal and the vagina, or in...

Ureterovaginal fistula

Ureterovaginal fistulae refer to abnormal communications between the lumina of the ureter(s) and the vagina.  Clinical presentation Patients usually present with urinary incontinence through the vagina which may be accompanied by fever and chills 1. Symptoms usually begin within 2-4 weeks foll...

Normal kidney size in adults

Normal kidney size in adults is closely related to height, but weight, body mass index (BMI), age, and ethnicity can also influence this 4. Kidney dimensions are typically measured sonographically and used to calculate estimated volume. MRI and CT measurements have been shown to generally corre...

Renal tubular ectasia

Renal tubular ectasia is an incidental finding that is seen more commonly on intravenous pyelography (IVP), but which can also occasionally be seen on CT urography (CTU). Terminology Renal tubular ectasia is also known as benign renal tubular ectasia. The term "benign" was used to differentiat...


The retroperitoneum is the part of the abdominal cavity that lies between the posterior parietal peritoneum anteriorly and the posterior abdominal wall 4. It is C-shaped on axial cross-sections with a convexity projecting anteriorly in the midline. Gross anatomy The retroperitoneum is variably...

Testicular torsion-detorsion syndrome

Testicular torsion-detorsion syndrome or intermittent testicular torsion refers to acute and periodic testicular pain due to limited blood flow, integrated with asymptomatic periods 1. Testicular torsion-detorsion syndrome has increasingly been reported in the literature.   Epidemiology Testic...

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