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More than 200 results
Amniotic bands
Amniotic bands refer to free-floating blind-ending amnion with an intact chorionic membrane. In certain situations, they lead to amniotic band syndrome. They should not be confused with amniotic shelves which refer to the presence of amnion folding around pre-existing uterine adhesions. Some adv...
Gestational trophoblastic disease
Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) results from the abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic tissue and encompasses a wide spectrum of diseases, including 14:
tumor-like lesions
exaggerated placental site reaction
placental site nodule and plaque
abnormal (non-molar) villous lesions
Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is a rare congenital brain malformation resulting from incomplete separation of the two hemispheres.
Classically three subtypes have been recognized, however additional entities are now included in the spectrum of the disease. The three main subtypes, in order of decreas...
Choriocarcinoma (staging)
The staging system for choriocarcinoma (usually refers to uterine choriocarcinoma) is the FIGO staging system and is as follows 1:
stage I: disease limited to the uterus
stage II: disease out of the uterus but limited to the female genital tract
stage III: metastasis in the lung with or with...
Fetal ovarian cyst
Fetal ovarian cysts refer to an ovarian cyst detected antenatally in a female fetus. They are relatively uncommon and are usually diagnosed in the 3rd trimester 5.
From autopsy studies, ovarian cysts are found in up to 30% of fetuses 1.
polyhydramnios 2
Other assoc...
VACTERL-H association
The VACTERL-H association is a rare non-random association which bears the features of the standard VACTERL association with added fetal hydrocephalus.
Unlike the standard VACTERL association which is sporadic, the VACTERL-H is hereditary with both X-linked 3 and autosomal recessive 2 inheritan...
The Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition Of Sex Selection) Act
The Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition Of Sex Selection) Act (PCPNDT) is a statute enacted to stop the female feticide that has resulted in declining female sex ratio in India.
As per census 2011, adult sex ratio in India is 943 females per 1000 males and child sex...
Overlapping fetal fingers
Overlapping fetal fingers is an antenatal ultrasound observation where the fetal fingers are seen to overlap each other. It may be seen seen with a concurrent clenched fetal hand. If the hand is clenched typically the 2nd finger is seen to overlap the 3rd 4.
a well re...
Floating head appearance
A floating head appearance refers to imaging features observed typically on antenatal ultrasound with certain skeletal dysplasias such as achondrogenesis.
Against the background of a poorly-mineralized spine, a normally ossified skull is seen giving an impression of a floating head.
Twin pregnancy
Twin pregnancies are the most common multifetal pregnancies.
Multifetal pregnancies account for ~1% of all pregnancies but are seen in much higher numbers in populations where in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a common practice.
A twin pregnancy can be broadly cate...
Spalding sign (fetal demise)
The Spalding sign refers to the overlapping of the fetal skull bones caused by collapse of the fetal brain. It usually appears a week or more after fetal death in utero.
This finding was originally described by Alfred Baker Spalding (1874-1942), an American obstetrician 2, on abdominal radiogr...
Congenital megaureter
A congenital (primary) megaureter encompasses causes of an enlarged ureter which are intrinsic to the ureter, rather than as a result of a more distal abnormality; e.g. bladder, urethra (see secondary megaureter). It includes:
obstructed primary megaureter
refluxing primary megaureter
Patau syndrome
Patau syndrome (also known as trisomy 13) is considered the 3rd commonest autosomal trisomy.
Patau syndrome, Down syndrome (trisomy 21), and Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) are the only three trisomies compatible with extrauterine life. However, few infants with either Patau or Edwards syndrome l...
Syndactyly (plural: syndactylies) refers to a congenital fusion of two or more digits. It may be confined to soft tissue (soft tissue syndactyly / simple syndactyly) or may involve bone (bony syndactyly / complex syndactyly).
The overall estimated incidence is at ~1 per 2500 to 50...
The vagina is a midline fibromuscular tubular organ positioned in the female perineum extending superiorly from the vulva, to the cervix and uterus in the pelvis.
Gross anatomy
The vagina is 6-8 cm in length, extending posterosuperior from the vestibule through the urogenital diaphragm to the...
In utero herpes simplex infection
In utero herpes simplex infection usually occurs from transplacental transmission of the herpes simplex virus. Transplacental intrauterine infection with herpes simplex virus is an extremely rare complication of primary herpes simplex in pregnancy.
Fetal HSV infection much less co...
Fetal conditions associated with maternal diabetes
There are numerous fetal congenital anomalies associated with maternal diabetes.
They include
cardiac: congenital cardiac anomalies
ventricular septal defect (VSD) 5
conotruncal anomalies
transposition of the great arteries (TGA)
truncus arteriosus
fetal congestive cardiac failure (witho...
Spina bifida
Spina bifida is a type of neural tube defect/spinal dysraphism which can occur to varying degrees of severity. It is often considered the most common congenital CNS malformation.
Spina bifida in its strictest sense means defective fusion of the vertebral posterior elements, leading...
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is an important plasma protein synthesized by the yolk sac and fetal liver. In adults, its main utility is as a tumor marker, primarily for hepatocellular carcinoma or teratoma. Functionally it is the fetal homologue of albumin, i.e. it acts as a major carrier protein in ...
Syntelencephaly, also known as middle interhemispheric variant (MIHV), is a mild subtype of holoprosencephaly that is characterized by an abnormal midline connection of the cerebral hemispheres between the posterior frontal and parietal regions.
Syntelencephaly is a congenital ma...