Search results for “pulmonary infiltrates”
198 results
Pulmonary infiltrates
The term pulmonary infiltrate is considered a context-dependent, non-specific and imprecise descriptive term when used in radiology reports (plain film or CT).
From a pathophysiological perspective, the term "infiltrate" refers to “an abnormal substance that accumulates gradually within cells o...
Pulmonary leukemic infiltration
Pulmonary leukemic infiltrations correspond to extravascular collections of leukemic cells in the lung parenchyma. On imaging, although having a broad and nonspecific pattern of presentation, is commonly seen as thickening of the bronchovascular bundles and interlobular septa.
Mimics of pulmonary infiltrates
27 Jul 2011
55% complete
Focal lymphoid hyperplasia of the lung
Focal lymphoid hyperplasia of the lung refers to an abnormal accumulation of non-malignant lymphocytic aggregates within the lung.
Focal lymphoid hyperplasia of the lung was previously known as pulmonary pseudolymphoma.
Sjögren syndrome 4
Clinical pres...
Medical abbreviations and acronyms (P)
This article contains a list of commonly used medical abbreviations and acronyms that start with the letter P and may be encountered in medicine and radiology (please keep the main list and any sublists in alphabetic order).
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R ...
Peribronchovascular interstitium
The peribronchovascular interstitium refers to the connective tissue sheath that encloses the bronchi, pulmonary arteries, and lymphatic vessels. It extends from the hilar regions through to the lung peripheries.
There are many diseases that may affect the peribronchovascular interstitium.
Gaucher disease
Gaucher disease is the most common lysosomal storage disorder in humans. It is an autosomal recessive, multisystem disease arising from a deficiency of glucocerebrosidase or beta-glucosidase activity, resulting in the accumulation of a glycolipid (glucocerebroside) within the lysosomes of macrop...
Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis
Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (IPH) is an uncommon form of pulmonary hemosiderosis. It is characterized by the triad of
iron deficiency anemia
diffuse pulmonary infiltrates, usually represented by diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage
The diagnosis is usually made by exclusion 1.
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) is at the mild end of the spectrum of disease caused by pulmonary aspergillosis and can be classified as an eosinophilic lung disease 2-4.
This entity is most commonly encountered in patients with longstanding asthma, and only occasi...
Heiner syndrome
The Heiner syndrome is a rare form of primary pulmonary hemosiderosis associated with an allergy to cow's milk. The syndrome includes:
rectal blood loss with hypochromic microcytic anemia
pulmonary infiltrates (often recurrent)
See also
pulmonary hemosiderosis
Acute lung injury
Acute lung injury (ALI) refers to a rather broad clinical syndrome defined by a constellation of clinical criteria:
acute onset of bilateral pulmonary infiltrates
with hypoxemia
without evidence of hydrostatic pulmonary edema
pulmonary wedge pressures of usually 18 mmHg or less
It encompass...
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia is a pulmonary condition caused by an overreactive immune response to microfilaria trapped in the lungs. Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia is a distinct entity with specific symptoms and diagnostic criteria that differentiate it from other types of eosinophilia in t...
Heroin-induced pulmonary edema
Heroin-induced pulmonary edema is an etiological subtype of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema. It may be prevalent in up to 40% of patients admitted with a heroin overdose 2.
Clinical presentation
It is defined by some authors as a syndrome in which a patient develops significant hypoxia (oxygen...
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), previously known as Churg-Strauss syndrome is characterized by asthma, eosinophilia and small vessel necrotizing vasculitis and involves the lungs and other organs.
The incidence typically peaks in middle age, 30-50 years of ag...
Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia
Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia (CEP) is an idiopathic condition characterized by the alveoli filling with an inflammatory, eosinophil-rich infiltrate. Classically on imaging, it appears as chronic consolidation with upper zone and peripheral predominance.
Most patients are middle ...
Non-specific interstitial pneumonia
Non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) is the second most common morphological and pathological pattern of interstitial lung diseases after UIP. NSIP is commonly associated with connective tissue disease (CTD), and a multidisciplinary team best decides the underlying diagnosis and management...
Leflunomide induced acute interstitial pneumonia
Leflunomide induced acute interstitial pneumonia is a form of drug induced interstitial lung disease. The precipitation of radiological evidence of pulmonary infiltrates, clinical acute respiratory illness in the context of a good temporal relationship with commencement of the agent and no clear...
Pulmonary interstitial emphysema
Pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE) refers to the abnormal location of gas within the pulmonary interstitium and lymphatics usually due to positive pressure ventilation. It typically results from rupture of overdistended alveoli following barotrauma in infants with respiratory distress syndro...
Pulmonary strongyloidiasis
Pulmonary strongyloidiasis refers to changes associated with lung infection due to the parasite named Strongyloides stercoralis. It is endemic to both the tropics and subtropics.
Severe cases such as hyperinfection syndrome (HS) and disseminated strongyloidiasis (DS), can involve pul...
Terms used in radiology
There are numerous terms used in radiology (and clinical medicine more generally) that are worth knowing and this is a list of some of them.
Please maintain all lists in alphabetical order.
diagnosis of exclusion
dilation vs dilatation