Items tagged “infectious diseases”

37 results found

Renal tuberculosis

Renal tuberculosis, a subset of genitourinary tuberculosis, accounts for 15-20% of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis and can result in varied and striking radiographic appearances.  Tuberculosis can involve both the renal parenchyma and the collecting system (calyces, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder a...


Tuberculosis (commonly abbreviated to TB, short for tubercle bacillus) encompasses an enormously wide disease spectrum affecting multiple organs and body systems predominantly caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A small proportion can also be caused by Mycobacterium bovis through drinking unpa...

Tuberculous spondylitis with large prevertebral abscess

  Diagnosis almost certain
Andrew Dixon
Published 08 Apr 2010
81% complete
MRI X-ray CT


Leprosy, previously known as Hansen's disease, is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae and presents mainly in tropical developing countries. Epidemiology It is most common in tropical developing countries and is endemic in over 100 countries. Worldwide, there is a preval...

Pulmonary cryptococcosis

Pulmonary cryptococcosis is a form of pulmonary fungal infection caused by Cryptococcus gattii and Cryptococcus neoformans. The respiratory tract is the principal route of entry for infection via inhalation of fungal spores. For a general discussion of infection with this organism, please refer...

Chagas disease

Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis (plural: trypanosomiases), is a tropical parasitic infection with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations since it can virtually affect any organ, but there are characteristic radiological features. Epidemiology Chagas disease is endemi...

Tuberculous neck mass

  Diagnosis certain
Jan Frank Gerstenmaier
Published 04 Aug 2013
95% complete
X-ray Ultrasound CT

Hepatic hydatid cyst

  Diagnosis almost certain
Mahomed A. Osman
Published 12 Sep 2013
80% complete

Listeria meningoencephalitis

CNS infection with Listeria monocytogenes, classically presenting as listeria rhombencephalitis, results from infection with Listeria monocytogenes, a motile facultative anaerobic bacterium. It is cited as the most common aetiology for rhombencephalitis, typically seen in the elderly, and result...


Mumps is a (usually) self-limited viral infection that often occurs in epidemics among children. Its incidence has markedly diminished in countries with childhood vaccination programs, but may still be seen in adult patients who have not received vaccinations or who have waning immunity. It may ...

Disseminated tuberculosis (ultrasound)

  Diagnosis almost certain
Imaging the World
Published 30 Sep 2015
79% complete

Common variable immunodeficiency

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a condition that is associated with an impaired immune system. It is considered the most common symptomatic primary immunodeficiency and is characterised by recurrent respiratory tract infections. Clinical presentation The commonest presentation is th...


Brucellosis is a global zoonotic infection secondary to any of the four Brucella spp. that infect humans. It can be focal or systemic but has a particular affinity for the musculoskeletal system.  Epidemiology Brucellosis occurs worldwide but is particularly prevalent in Mediterranean regions,...

Spina ventosa

  Diagnosis certain
Henry Knipe
Published 12 Feb 2016
95% complete
CT X-ray MRI


Schistosomiasis (also referred to as bilharzia or snail fever) is the result of infection by blood fluke (trematode worm) of the Schistosoma species. Epidemiology Schistosomiasis is very common, affecting over 200 million people, with the vast majority (85%) in Africa. It is prevalent in tropi...

Miliary tuberculosis

  Diagnosis certain
Henry Knipe
Published 02 Mar 2016
89% complete
X-ray CT

Higoumenakis sign (clavicle)

The Higoumenakis sign is the unilateral enlargement of the sternal end of the clavicle in patients with late congenital syphilis. It was originally described as a clinical sign on physical examination but can also be recognised on chest radiograph 5. Pathology Treponema pallidum becomes readil...

Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

  Diagnosis certain
Melbourne Uni Radiology Masters
Published 06 May 2016
95% complete

Legionella pneumonia

  Diagnosis certain
Henry Knipe
Published 08 Jun 2016
89% complete
X-ray CT

Pulmonary cryptococcosis

  Diagnosis certain
Jörgen Strömberg
Published 23 Jun 2016
92% complete
CT Nuclear medicine