Items tagged “needs review”

7 results


MRI (an abbreviation of magnetic resonance imaging) is an imaging modality that uses non-ionising radiation to create useful diagnostic images. In simple terms, an MRI scanner consists of a large, powerful magnet in which the patient lies. A radio wave antenna is used to send signals to the bod...

Gradient echo sequences

Gradient echo sequences (GRE) are an alternative technique to spin-echo sequences, differing from it in two principal points: utilisation of gradient fields to generate transverse magnetisation flip angles of less than 90° Compared to the spin-echo and inversion recovery sequences, gradient e...

Gastrointestinal MRI contrast agents

Gastrointestinal MRI contrast agents may be helpful in certain clinical scenarios in distinguishing bowel from intra-abdominal masses and normal organs. The contrast agents can be divided into positive agents (appearing bright on MRI) or negative agents (appearing dark on MRI). Positive contras...

Intravascular (blood pool) MRI contrast agents

Intravascular MRI contrast agents normally remain confined to the intravascular space, compared to Gd-DTPA which distributes throughout the extracellular fluid space. This is a result of intravascular agents having a molecular weight of approximately 70,000 and above, compared to a molecular wei...

Reticuloendothelial MRI contrast agents

Reticuloendothelial MRI contrast agents can best be discussed in terms of those used for liver and spleen imaging and those for lymph node imaging. Liver and spleen The use of Gd-DTPA with routine imaging sequences of the liver is unsatisfactory. Particulate contrast agents targeted to the ret...

Tumour specific MRI contrast agents

Tumour specific MRI contrast agents are pharmaceuticals that are targeted to tumours, either specifically or nonspecifically. Monoclonal antibodies are targeted to specific tumours such as adenocarcinoma of the colon. Metalloporphyrins exhibit affinity for many tumour types including carcinoma, ...

Phase contrast imaging

Phase contrast imaging is an MRI technique that can be used to visualise moving fluid. Basic principle Spins that are moving in the same direction as a magnetic field gradient develop a phase shift that is proportional to the velocity of the spins. This is the basis of phase-contrast angiograp...