Items tagged “pericardium”

5 results

Septal bounce

Septal bounce is a sign of ventricular interdependence on echocardiography, cardiac CT, and cardiac MRI, manifested by paradoxical interventricular septal movement during early diastole (i.e. initial septal movement towards and then away from the left ventricle) seen mainly in constrictive peric...

Pericardial lipoma

Pericardial lipomas are slowly growing benign tumours of the pericardium that are asymptomatic unless large in size, where they can cause pressure symptoms. Clinical presentation Pericardial lipomas are usually asymptomatic. Occasionally non-specific symptoms are present including: chest pai...

Effusive-constrictive pericarditis

Effusive-constrictive pericarditis is a rare constrictive pericardial syndrome of a constellation of findings in which a fibrotic visceral pericardium and a pericardial effusion contribute to cardiac tamponade pathophysiology. It is most often encountered after the performance of a pericardiocen...

Neoplastic pericardial disease

Neoplastic pericardial disease, neoplastic pericardial involvement or neoplastic pericarditis refers to a pericardial infiltration by tumour cells usually associated with a variably sized pericardial effusion and is a form of non-infectious pericarditis. It needs to be differentiated from other ...

Tuberculous pericarditis

Tuberculous pericarditis is an infection of the pericardium with tubercle bacilli that features different pathological stages and is the most common form of cardiac tuberculosis. Epidemiology Tuberculous pericarditis makes up for ≤4% of pericardial disease in developed countries but is the maj...