Items tagged “short article”

16 results

Romaña sign (Chagas disease)

Romaña sign, also known as the periorbital swelling syndrome, refers to periorbital swelling, palpebral oedema and conjunctivitis seen 1-2 weeks following infection with Trypanosoma cruzi (causative agent in Chagas disease). When present it is diagnostic of acute Chagas disease. Romaña sign is ...

Caterpillar sign (pyloric stenosis)

The caterpillar sign is a radiological sign described in pyloric stenosis. It refers to the appearance of the stomach on an upper gastrointestinal radiographic series or plain abdominal radiograph 1,2. On these imaging modalities in a patient with pyloric stenosis, the stomach appears distended...

Vertebral body endplate

Vertebral body endplates are anatomically discrete structures that form the interface between the vertebral bodies and the adjacent intervertebral discs. They are constituted centrally by a cartilaginous layer and peripherally by a bone ring apophysis. The cartilaginous layer is related to the n...


Trichoptysis (rare plural: trichoptyses) is an extremely rare symptom, whereby patients cough up hair. It is highly specific for rupture of a mediastinal teratoma into the tracheobronchial tree, however it is not pathognomonic as several articles claim (see below) 1,2. Nevertheless it remains a ...

Superficial transverse perineal muscle

The paired superficial transverse perineal muscles (TA: musculus transversus superficialis perinei) lie in the perineum and are important for stabilising the perineal body. Summary origin: ischial tuberosity insertion: the fibres of each muscle meet in the midline at the perineal body and dec...

Main bronchi

The main bronchi is the collective term given to the left and right main bronchi which are formed by the bifurcation of the trachea at the carina, supplying air to the right and left lungs respectively 1.  The main bronchi form part of the lower respiratory tract and are conducting airways, i.e...

Intestinal trunk

The intestinal trunk (TA: truncus intestinalis) is an unpaired lymphatic trunk which drains lymph (and chyle) from those portions of the GI tract which receive their blood supply from the coeliac and superior mesenteric arteries. In the majority of individuals, the intestinal trunk drains into ...

Lung bases

Anatomically, the lung bases refer literally to the inferior concave surfaces of the lungs which directly contact the hemidiaphragms. However many radiologists, and other clinicians, use the term more generally to refer to the basal region of the lung, which like the lower zones, has no formal ...

Carcinoma of the Littré glands

Carcinoma of the Littré glands is rare. The Littré (urethral) glands of the penis may be the origin of cancers of the penis, usually adenocarcinomas 1. Epidemiology There are only a few scattered case reports of true Littré gland malignancy, although it is probably under-reported due to the fa...

Modiolus (disambiguation)

The modiolus (plural: modioli) may refer to one of two different anatomical structures, both in the head and neck region: modiolus (cochlea) modiolus (mouth) History and etymology The Latin word, "modiolus" means hub of a wheel, and is well-named, as in both the cochlea and at the angle of t...

Salt and pepper sign (Sjögren syndrome)

The salt and pepper sign has been used to describe the MRI appearance of the parotid gland in Sjögren syndrome. This pertains to a combination of punctate regions of calcification (pepper) and fatty replacement (salt) 1.

Salt and pepper sign (autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease)

The salt and pepper sign has been given to the heterogeneous echotexture of the enlarged kidneys on ultrasound in children with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPCKD).

Matrix (bone)

The matrix (plural: matrices) of the bone is used in a general pathological context to refer to the extracellular material in which the cellular components of the bone lie. Indeed the term extracellular matrix, often shortened to matrix, is used for the secreted extracellular components of any t...

Oral tori

Oral tori (singular torus) are benign bony outgrowths from the maxilla and mandible: maxillary tori a.k.a. torus palatinus mandibular tori a.k.a. torus mandibularis Oral tori are subcategorised according to their shape 1: flat spindle nodular lobular Although not usually called tori, fur...


Florid is a descriptive term often used in imaging reports to describe a process/appearance which is severe in degree, often following a subjective assessment.  History and etymology The term florid derives from the Latin term "floridus" meaning flowery, itself from "flos", a flower 2. From me...

Overriding aorta

Overriding aortas are congenital heart defects in which the aorta is situated directly superior to a ventricular septal defect (VSD) rather than the normal position (i.e. left ventricle). As a result, the amount of oxygenated blood received by the aorta for distribution to the body is reduced. I...