Items tagged “summary”

149 results

Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUFE), also known as a slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE),  is a relatively common condition affecting the physis of the proximal femur in adolescents. It is one of commonest hip abnor...

Acute pancreatitis (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Acute pancreatitis refers to acute inflammation of the pancreas and is a potentially life-threatening condition. Reference article This is a summary article; read more in our article on acute pancreatitis. Summary anato...

Appendicitis (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Appendicitis occurs when there is inflammation of the vermiform appendix. It is a very common condition and is a major cause of abdominal surgery in young patients. CT is the most sensitive modality to detect appendicitis a...

Abdominal radiology for students (curriculum)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Abdominal radiology curriculum for medical students is broadly split into content that refers to imaging (the test and findings) and conditions that are considered key for this stage of training. Some non-abdominal conditi...

Acute cholecystitis (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Acute cholecystitis refers to the acute inflammation of the gallbladder. It is the primary complication of cholelithiasis and the most common cause of acute pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ). Reference article This i...

Diverticulitis (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Diverticulitis is one of the presentations of diverticular disease and is most often a complication of colonic diverticulosis. Differentiating one from the other is critical since uncomplicated diverticulosis is mostly asym...

Colorectal cancer (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Colorectal cancer, also called colorectal carcinoma (CRC), is the most common cancer of the gastrointestinal tract and the second most frequently diagnosed malignancy in adults. CT and MRI are the modalities most frequently...

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are focal dilatations of the abdominal aorta that are 50% greater than the proximal normal segment or >3 cm in maximum diameter. Reference article This is a summary article; read more in o...

Intestinal ischemia (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Intestinal ischemia refers to vascular compromise of the bowel which in the acute setting has a very high mortality if not treated expediently. Diagnosis is often straight forward provided appropriate imaging is obtained. T...

Malignant biliary tract obstruction (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Malignant biliary tract obstruction (MBTO) represents a group of conditions that cause obstructive jaundice. While most examples are the result of pancreatic head cancers, other malignancies may be causative. Reference art...

CT abdomen (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists CT abdomen is an increasingly common investigation that is used to help make diagnoses of a broad range of pathologies. A CT abdomen in its simplest form is a CT from diaphragm to symphysis pubis performed 60 seconds after ...

Pneumoperitoneum (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Pneumoperitoneum describes gas within the peritoneal cavity and is often the harbinger of a critical illness, often perforation of a hollow viscus. Pneumoperitoneum is distinct from pneumoretroperitoneum (much rarer) and ma...

CT intravenous contrast media

Intravenous contrast media used in CT (often shortened to IV contrast) are a type of contrast media. These are a large group of chemical preparations developed to aid in the characterization of pathology by improving the ability of an imaging modality to differentiate between different biologica...

Enteric contrast medium (CT)

Enteric contrast media can be given to patients before their CT exam to improve its diagnostic accuracy. Historically, a combination of oral and intravenous contrast media were always given prior to a CT abdomen. Contemporaneously, improved CT scanners mean that oral contrast agents are no longe...

Abdominal x-ray (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Abdominal radiographs can be a useful examination, but you need to think about the question you are asking before getting the test. Before the advent of computerized tomography (CT) imaging, it was a primary means of invest...

Erect chest x-ray (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Erect chest x-rays are standard positioning but are also a specific examination performed for the assessment of subdiaphragmatic free gas (pneumoperitoneum). Reference article This is a summary article; we do not have a m...

Fat stranding (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Fat stranding is a sign that is seen on CT. It describes the change in attenuation of fat around an inflamed structure and is a very helpful signpost for intra-abdominal pathology. Reference article This is a summary arti...

Bowel dilatation (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Bowel dilatation is a relatively non-specific sign than can be seen on most imaging modalities. In bowel obstruction, dilatation may be demonstrated on a plain radiograph providing the bowel is filled with gas. Reference a...

Fracture description (summary approach)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Fracture description allows an individual to accurately determine fracture type and communicate important information to colleagues without the use of the radiograph. Practicing fracture description is important and using a...

Fracture types (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Determining fracture type is really important when looking at a fracture and trying to describe it. Fractures can broadly be split into complete and incomplete fractures. Reference article This is a summary article. For m...