Derek Smith on

Derek Smith

MBChB FRCR PGCert (Clin Ed)

Dr Derek Smith is a consultant neuroradiologist in Edinburgh, Scotland.

His involvement with Radiopaedia started from medical school, with imaging teaching making a substantial part of his full time medical education fellowship in 2019-20. His clinical interests include trauma, neuroradiology and head and neck imaging.



University of Edinburgh Medical School 2007-2012
Foundation Trainee, South East Scotland 2012-2014
Clinical Development Fellow, NHS Lothian 2014-2015
Clinical Teaching Fellow, NHS Lothian 2019-2020
Specialty Registrar, Clinical Radiology, SE Scotland, 2015-2021



FRCR 2B Materials Radiopaedia Rapids // Radiopaedia Vivas
Radiopaedia 2020 Neck Infections (
Radiopaedia 2021 Epilepsy in adults: approach to MRI brain interpretation // Neck Emergencies
Radiopaedia 2022 Introduction to cervical spine MRI // Spinal tumours in adults // Head and Neck Workshop

  • Nothing to disclose
22 results found

Question 2757

This 70 year old patient presented with a right neck lump. On assessment, a right palatine tonsil mass was also identified. The presenting lump corresponds with a 42 mm right level IIA node, with foci of cystic change and heterogenous enhancement. Small right sided IIB and III nodes are also seen, but no abnormal contralateral nodes are identified.

If this is a P16 positive / HPV mediated tumor, with this imaging and report what is the nodal categorization as per AJCC TNM 8th edition:


Question 2756

During ultrasound of the neck, the relationship of which two structures is a useful surrogate for the margin between level III and level IV?


Question 2755

Which of these structures do not typically drain into level IA nodes?


Question 1566

Given the position effect on the parapharyngeal space, where do you think this deep neck abscess has originated?


Question 1567

Which structure is this mixed laryngocele passing through?


Question 1568

What is the most likely source of this masticator space abscess?


Question 1605

What is the most likely cause of breathlessness in this elderly patient?


Question 2126

A 20-year-old woman is being investigated for epilepsy and has the following MRI performed. The most likely region of seizure activity is the: 


Question 2134

This 18-year-old suffered a head and cervical spine injury after crashing his mountain bike off a jump. He is quadriplegic.

CT and MRI were performed.

What is the WORST prognostic sign in this case?


Question 2133

This 50-year-old man experienced neck pain, with left pupillary abnormality and swallowing difficulty. An MRI is performed a few days later, with the T1W fat saturated sequence confirming the left internal carotid artery dissection. What is the hyperintensity on the T1FS sequence?


Question 2131

This 50-year-old man was involved in a road traffic collision, with blunt force trauma to the neck. There is evidence of supraglottic trauma on endoscopy. Which laryngeal structure is damaged on this CT?


Question 2130

This 60-year-old man suffered a penetrating neck injury. A contrast-enhanced CT is performed, with a skin and soft tissue defect through the left sternocleidomastoid, just superior to the level of the carotid bulb. The trauma surgeon wants to know the zone of injury. You can tell them this is a...


Question 2129

A 40-year-old woman with medically refractory epilepsy has an MRI. This shows a T2W hyperintense region at the right posterior insula, which incompletely suppresses on FLAIR at the periphery. There is no enhancement following intravenous contrast administration. What is the most likely lesion causing this patient's seizures?


Question 2127

A 16-year-old woman has MRI findings compatible with right parietal focal cortical dysplasia. A hyperintense FLAIR tract is seen between the abnormal cortex and the ventricle. What type of FCD is this in the Blumcke classification system?


Question 2128

What is the most likely cause of this 25-year-old patient's seizures?


Question 2456

What structure is demonstrated by the yellow lines?


Question 2481

This adult patient with reduced upper and lower limb sensation and balance has this finding on their MRI cervical spine. What next investigation would be most useful?


Question 2482

This young adult sustained a high energy head injury. From this sagittal STIR MRI cervical spine sequence, can you tell the clinical team why the patient is quadriplegic?


Question 2453

A lesion is observed in the thoracic spine. There is abnormal signal in the spinal cord (which narrows at the level of the lesion) with expansion through the neural foramen. This is best described as:


Question 2455

Which of these extramedullary lesions are commonly seen with vertebral segmentation abnormalities?