Question 3
A 7-year-old boy is brought to the A&E department with a cough and shortness of breath. There has been some history of fever, but no systemic upset. The chest radiograph reveals an ovoid opacity in the right mid-zone. The edges of the lesion are well defined. There are no air bronchograms. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 18
What is the best first test to perform in a patient with suspected gallstones?
Question 86
Which paediatric posterior fossa brain tumour is most likely to demonstrate diffusion restriction?
Question 117
In Wilms tumour, hypertension is caused by...
Question 118
The commonest paediatric renal tumour is...
Question 119
The commonest site for metastases in Wilms tumour is...
Question 120
In a child with an abdominal mass which of the following features would make you think that Wilms tumour is NOT the most likely diagnosis?
Question 128
In splenic trauma, which of the following represents a grade I injury?
Question 129
In splenic trauma, which of the following represents a grade I injury?
Question 131
In splenic trauma, which of the following represents a grade II injury?
Question 290
A 20-year-old is admitted to the Emergency Department following an isolated head injury which was sustained in a fist-fight. He is intoxicated, GCS 14. There is no focal neurological deficit, but he does keep vomiting.
What is the best imaging strategy?
Question 291
In an extradural haemorrhage, the blood...
Question 944
What is the most important diagnosis?
Question 948
Which part of bowel is highlighted in the image below?
Question 949
Which "I" is the most likely cause of the abnormality highlighted on this CT scan?
Question 950
Which structure is inflamed on this CT image?
Question 951
This patient has diverticulosis. Is there a complication?
Question 952
What is the maximum allowable diameter of this section of bowel?
Question 953
What is this and where is it?
Question 954
Which structure is inflamed?