Bruno Aued Braga Farinazzo ◉
Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP), State Agency (2006). Specialist in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging from FAMERP / Medical Residency Certificate -CNRM / MEC (2010). Completed the R4 in the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging Service of the Hospital de Base (FAMERP) with an emphasis on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2012). Works at Radzzo Diagnostic Imaging as a Radiologist CRM-RO 3282, Specialist Title in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging. RQE 115. Experience in Medicine, with an emphasis on Medical Radiology, working mainly in the following subjects: computed tomography, simple and contrast radiology, magnetic resonance imaging, mammography, general ultrasound and GO US. TITULAR MEMBER OF THE BRAZILIAN COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGY (CBR) in Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging.
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