Bone bevelling (illustration)

Messerer fracture (illustration)

Displaced manubrial fracture causing vascular compression

Saddle PE and right atrial thrombus crossing a possible ASD

Middle meningeal artery embolisation for recurrent subdural haematomas

Tension pneumoperitoneum from CPR

Aortic root dissection and intramural haematoma with haemopericardium

Left atrial appendage thrombus

Left atrial appendage contrast mixing mimicking thrombus

Left atrial appendage thrombus

Septum secundum ASD

Morgagni hernia containing fat

Pleural effusion extending into the azygos fissure

Penetrating injury to the head

Cystic duct stump bile leak post cholecystectomy (CT cholangiography)

Rotated 4th proximal phalangeal fracture

Incomplete tibial fracture from penetrating injury

Traumatic left diaphragm rupture (CXR)

Bent radial ORIF plate and new ulnar fracture

Sublime tubercle fracture

Extensive arterial calcification

Bilateral temporomandibular joint replacement

Sigmoid colon traumatic haematoma

Traumatic intercostal lung herniation

Catheter thrombus and PE (CTCA)

Bilateral upper limb shotgun injury

Aortic injury (CXR)

Halo brace bolts (CT)

Extensive subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum (paediatric)

Bronchial intubation and left lung collapse (paediatric)

Pulmonary contusions and pneumomediastinum (paediatric)

Haemothorax, rib and vertebral fractures (paediatric)

BIlateral pneumothoraces (paediatric)

Pulmonary contusions (paediatric)

Normal lateral cervical spine radiograph - 7-year-old

Normal lateral cervical spine radiograph - 21-month-old

Normal lateral cervical spine radiograph - 10-month-old

Normal lateral cervical spine radiograph - 5-year-old

Normal lateral cervical spine radiograph - 9-year-old

Cooling blanket on an ICU patient

Base of first metacarpal fracture and hand cuffs

Spinal tumour location (illustrations)

Pelvic fractures and medial displacement of the femoral head (paediatric)

Pelvic fractures and hip dislocation (paediatric)

Pelvic fractures and pubic diastasis (paediatric)

Femoral lymphoma

Positive nuclear medicine aspiration SPECT study

Transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement

Sternal prosthesis

Wrist arthroplasty

C4 fracture (paediatric)

Jefferson fracture (paediatric)

Odontoid fracture (paediatric)

Hangman fracture (paediatric)

PIP fusion screw migration

Left atrial appendage contrast mixing mimicking thrombus

Left atrial appendage contrast mixing mimicking thrombus

Left atrial appendage contrast mixing mimicking thrombus

Scrotal vasectomy clips

Rectal foreign body - babushka dolls

CT lumbar spine axial - labelling questions

Paediatric eFAST - multiple positive cases

Paediatric eFAST - normal

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) - right coronary artery

Spermatic cord and scrotum (Gray's illustrations)

Ductus deferens and seminal vesicles (Gray's illustration)

Penile corpora (Gray's illustration)

Male urethra (Gray's illustration)

Parathyroid glands (Gray's illustration)

Perirenal space (Gray's illustrations)

Renal vessels (Gray's illustrations)

Adrenal glands (Gray's illustrations)

Female pelvis (Gray's illustration)

Female perineum (Gray's illustration)

Genital development (Gray's illustration)

Spleen (Gray's illustration)

Thymus (Gray's illustration)

Rectum and anus (Gray's illustrations)

Ileocaecal fossae (Gray's illustrations)

Duodenojejunal fossa (Gray's illustration)

Stomach (Gray's illustrations)

Pancreas (Gray's illustration)

Ileocaecal valve (Gray's illustrations)


Multiple splenic traumatic pseudoaneurysms and Seurat spleen

Positron-electron annihilation

Technetium-99m decay

Flourine-18 decay

Radioactive decay (graph)

Ballistic tissue damage

Ballistics images

Normal US ankle

Pharyngeal neuromuscular supply (Gray's illustration)

Pharyngeal muscles (Gray's illustration)

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