AA Spine Practice MRTY5099

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Chest x-ray basic search strategies and pathology (part 1)

This is an overview of chest x-ray interpretation, it assumes a basic understanding of chest anatomy and pathology.It is part one of a tw...
Chest x-ray basic search strategies and pathology (part 2)

This is a case based self-testing playlist to accompany the part one chest x-ray basic search strategies and pathology playlist.This is a...
Image interpretation practice exams

This playlist contains 90 cases to test your knowledge before a preliminary image interpretation exam.It roughly reflects the old 2013 Me...
Key conditions in paediatric x-ray

Hello, welcome to Key Conditions in paediatric X-rays!This is a case-based playlist that covers a lot of the common things one would expe...
Lines and Tubes and Tubes and Lines!

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Lower Limb

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Lower limb anatomy

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Radiographic image interpretation of the hand

This playlist covers common traumatic injuries of the hand along with case by case examples. It is aimed at radiographers, nurses, studen...
Significant findings of a medically urgent nature - General radiography

This is a playlist for radiographers, nurses or students to peruse during downtime at work, it's a useful way to fill your time and it wi...