Knee menisci

Changed by Aditya Shetty, 6 Sep 2015

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The knee menisci are fibrocartilaginous structures that sit within the knee joint, deepening the tibiofemoral articulation. They function to improve stability, shock absorption and load transmission of the knee.

Gross anatomy

There are two knee menisci in each joint: medialand lateral. The menisci are described as having a central body with anterior and posterior horns. In cross-section, they have a triangular (bow-tie) shape, being thicker peripherally and thinning to a free-edge centrally. Each meniscus has a differing shape, size and attachments:

  • medial meniscus
    • C-shape or semilunar 
    • larger
    • more open and wider; semi-circular in shape
  • lateral meniscus
    • semicircular-like an incomplete circle, i.e. anterior and posterior tibial roots are very close to each other
    • smaller
Blood supply
  • outer one-third: supply from the peripheral meniscal plexus, in turn formed from the medial, lateral and middle genicular arteries 6, 8
  • inner two-thirds: no vascular supply; diffusion dependent 6
  • posterior articular branch of the posterior tibial nerve and terminal obturator and femoral nerve branches 8

Variant anatomy

  • discoid meniscus 4-5
  • congenital hypoplasia or absence 4
  • aberrant insertion of the anterior horn of the medial menisci (2%)
    • into the ACL or intercondylar notch 4
    • anterior margin of the tibia in the midline 5
    • no attachment: stabilised by the transverse meniscal ligament 5
  • meniscal ossicle (rare; incidence <0.2%) 5

Related pathology

  • -<li>no attachment to the<a href="/articles/lateral-collateral-ligament-of-the-knee"> </a><a href="/articles/lateral-collateral-ligament">lateral collateral ligament</a> except anterior horn and posterior most portion of the posterior horn; this is due to passage of intra-articular portion of the <a href="/articles/popliteus-tendon">popliteus tendon</a> </li>
  • +<li>no attachment to the<a href="/articles/lateral-collateral-ligament-of-the-knee"> </a><a href="/articles/lateral-collateral-ligament">lateral collateral ligament</a> except anterior horn and the posterior most portion of the posterior horn; this is due to the passage of the intra-articular portion of the <a href="/articles/popliteus-tendon">popliteus tendon</a> </li>
  • -<a href="/articles/meniscofemoral-ligament">meniscofemoral ligament</a>: posterior horn of the lateral meniscus to the lateral aspect of medial femoral condyle<ul>
  • +<a href="/articles/meniscofemoral-ligament">meniscofemoral ligament</a>: posterior horn of the lateral meniscus to the lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle<ul>
  • -<li>inferior meniscopopliteal ligament at body: floor of popliteal hiatus</li>
  • +<li>inferior meniscopopliteal ligament at the body: the floor of popliteal hiatus</li>
  • -<li>superior meinscupopliteal ligament at posterior horn: roof of popliteal hiatus</li>
  • +<li>superior meinscupopliteal ligament at posterior horn: the roof of popliteal hiatus</li>

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