Artificial intelligence - sensitive more than specific

Case contributed by Ian Bickle
Diagnosis certain


Ex-smoker with a cough.

Patient Data

Age: 80 years
Gender: Female

Extensive bilateral calcified pleural plaques.

Heart size normal. Lungs clear. Normal mediastinal contours.

Case Discussion

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the talk of the town. There is much hubris and excitement about replacing the trained human in diagnostics rather than as a potential diagnosis aid.

There are many products on the market professing to be the new nirvana and there is no doubt of their sensitivity but the specificity is often dubious.

The AI has one additional major issue in that it (to date) is incapable of comparison with prior studies something which is commonplace in daily practice.

This example is typical where pleural plaques are said to be 3 lung nodules.

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